
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-sceap

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Add: I. birth, creation :-- Cennung, gescæp concretio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 136, 26. II. what is created, (l) creation, created things :-- Ic þec biddan wille þurh þæt æðele gesceap þe þú, fæder engla, on fruman settest, Jul. 273. (2) a creature :-- On ðám æfteran dæge God gesceóp ðá gesceapu ðe ðisne heofon healdað, Sal. K. p. 178, ID. III. what is shaped, ordered :-- Conditio, natura, sors, regula, lex, rectitudo gescæp, gewyrd, gescæft, gebyrd, Wrt. Voc. i. 135, 63. (l) of material things, shape, form :-- Hí beóð oð ðene nafolan on menniscum gesceape usque ad umbilicum hominis speciem habent, Nar. 36, 19. Adam . . . God gehíwad hæfde tó mænniscum gesceape, on þrytiges wintres ylde, Angl. xi. 2, 26. Nípende niht, scaduhelma gesceapu scríðan cwóman, B. 650. (2) nature, natural condition :-- Án þára nunnena wæs swýþe fægru æfter þæs líchaman gesceape una virginum juxta carnis hujus putredinem speciosa videbatur, Gr. D. 28, 26. Wixþ se milte ofer gesceap, Lch. ii. 242, 28. On gesceap naturally, Rä.39, 4. Ǽr gé sceonde wið gesceapu fremmen ere ye commit shameful sin against the laws of nature, Gen. 2469. (3) lot, fate, appointed condition of life, destiny :-- [Hé] heóld on heáh gesceap he fulfilled a high destiny, B. 3084. Ic (a cuckoo) under sceáte, swá mín gesceapu wǽron, ungesibbum wearð eácen gǽste, Rä.10, 7. Swá scríðende gesceapum (fortuitu v. wyrd-gesceap) hweorfað gleómen, Víd. 135. Dryhten scyreð and scrífeð and gesceapo healdeð (governs the destinies of men), Vy. 66 :. Gen. 2827. Gesceapu dreógeð fulfils its destinies, Ph. 210: Rä.69, 4. (4) a condition imposed by providence, order of providence :-- Swá gesceapu wǽron werum and wífum, Gen. 1573. Bídan selfes gesceapu heofoncyninges, 842. (5) ordered courss of events :-- Wyrda gesceapu, Ru. 40, 24. IV. shaping, forming :-- On gesceape in (rerum visibilium) plastica, An. Ox. 8, 346. V. privy part :-- Þæs fylmenes ofcyrf on ðám gesceape, Hml. Th. i. 94, 33. [Cf. Icel. skap state, condition; skOp ; pl. fate, destiny: skOp-in (with article) the genitals] v. wyrd-gesceap. Cf. ge-sceaft, ge-sceapennys. ge-sceap

Palabras relacionadas: cenning.
