Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-staþelian
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- ge-staþelian
- Add :-- Gestaþelaþ fundat, edificat, construat, consolidat, gestaþelad fundatum, consolidatum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 152, 14, 17. I. place">to fix in a position or place, place permanently, set. (l) the object a living creature :-- Ðæt hé gesteaðelie (collocet) hine mid aldermonnum, Ps. Srt. 112, 8. Hé gesæt Godfæder on þá swíþran healfe . . . hé symle þǽr gestaþelod wæs, Bl. H. 91, 6. I a. of residence, to settle, lodge :-- Hwelpas leóna . . . in bedcleofum heara hié gesteaðeliað (se conlocabunt), Ps. Srt. 103, 22. Benedictus gestaþolode (gelógode, ) hine sylfne (se collocavit) in þǽm uferan dǽlum þæs torres and Servandus gestaþelode (gereste, v.l.) hine (se collocavit) in þám neoðeran dǽlum, Gr. D. 170, 16-20. Getimbrede hé þǽr mynster and munecas þǽr gestaðolade (collocavit), Bd. 4, 4; Sch. 368, 20. Hé þǽr þá Engliscean men gesette and gestaþelade Anglos ibidem locavit, Sch. 370. 14. I a figurative :-- Gesteaðelade (collocavit) mé in dégulmessum he hath made me to dwell in darkness (A.V.), Ps. Srt. 142, 3. (2) place">to fix residence :-- Sé ðe gestaðelað his den qui collocat cubile suum (in petra), Kent. Gl. 1106. (3) the object a non-material thing :-- Þá ingehýd heora heortan fæstlíce on þone heofonlican hyht gestaþelodon, Bl. H. 135, 30. Ic gesette míne hyht on þec þæt hió fæstlíce stonde gestaðeled, Hy. 4, 38. Þæt sí þín nama in úrum ferhðlocan feste gestaðelod, 6, 5. Hió tó Gode hæfde freóndrǽdenne fæste gestaðelad, Jul. 107. II. to build :-- Beóð him of þám wyrtum wíc gestaðelad in wuldres byrig, Ph. 474. Paules mynster forbarn and þý ilcan geáre wearð eft gestaþelad, Chr. 962 ; P. 114, 7. III. to found a town, institution, &c. :-- Heó gestaðelode ðæt fǽmna mynster ꝥ is nemned on Bercingum, Shrn. 138, Ðis is seó freólsbóc tó ðan mynstre . . . swá swá hit Wulfríc gestaðelode for hine and for his yldrena sáwle, C. D. vi. 149, 37. For mínra yldrena sáwlan ðe ðone bisceopstól gestaþeloden (statuerunt), iv. 197, 14. Nǽfre syðþan heó (London) gestaþeled (-stabeled, MS.) wæs, Chr. 1077; P. 213, II. III a. of a condition :-- Æfter þám líge líf bið gestaðelad, Dóm. 118. IV. of the operations of the Deity :-- Ðú gestaþoladest eorþan . . . ꝥ heó ne helt on náne healfe, Bt. 33, 4; F. 130, 35. Drihten snytro gisette earðe, gistaðelade (stabilivit) heofnas, Re. 81, 22: Kent. Gl. 44. V. to make firm, establish, regulate :-- Hé mynster getimbrede, and hit mid ǽfæstum þeáwum gesette and gestaþolode fecit monasterium, et religiosis moribus instituit, Bd. 3, 23; Sch. 302, 22. VI. to establish a practice, procedure, &c., settle a plan, course of action :-- Ic þínne síþfæt gestaðelode and getrymede, Bl. H. 231, 28. Drihten eallum geleáffulum monnum heora gong gestaþelade tó lífes wege, 17, 19. Ic oncneów of cýðnissum dínum, forðon in écnisse ðú gesteaðulades (fundasti) ðá, Ps. Srt. 118, 152. VII. to make firm. (l) in a physical sense, to cause not to be relaxed :-- Þá sóna wǽron gestaðelode and gehǽlde ealle þá leomu and þá seonu in hire líchaman omnes in ejus corpore nervi ac membra solidata sunt. Gr. D. 228, 26. (2) to make steadfast or stable :-- Gif heora móð wǽre swá riht and swá gestaðelod and swá geendebyrd swá swá þá óþre gesceafta sindon, Bt. 21 ; F. 76, l. Sín gestaðelade stabilientur (viae tuae), Kent. Gl. So: Ps. Th. 138, 20. (3) to make effectual, carry into effect :-- Geþeahta þá þe hí ne mihton gestaðelian (stabilire), Ps. L. 20, 12. VIII. to strengthen a town with troops, garrison :-- Fór Eádweard cyning tó Mældúne and getimbrede þá burg and gestaðelode ǽr hé þonon fóre (King Edward went as far as Maldon, and rebuilt the town, placing a guard of soldiers in it before he left it, Flor. Worc.), Chr. 920; P. 100, 16. IX. to restore what has fallen (lit. or fig.) or been lost :-- Swá hwæt swá ðú on sǽforlure, ic ðé ꝥ on lande gestaðelige whatever you have lost at sea, that I will make good to you on land, Ap. Th. 19, 14. Gyf hé þé gehýrð, þú gestaðelast þínne bráðor, Mt. 18, 15. ge-staþelian,ge-staðelian