Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-tǽcan
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- ge-tǽcan
- Add: p. -táhte To shew. I. to present to the mind for consideration :-- Getǽc mé nú sumne mann þára þe ðé gesǽlegost þince, Bt. 11, 1; F. 32, 15. II. to give a knowledge of an object :-- Gif þú gecnáwan miht ðá anlícnessa þǽre sóþan gesǽlþe, ðonne siþþan is þearf þ ic þé hí selfe getéce (-tǽce, ) (ordo est deinceps, quae sit vera monstrare), Bt. 33, 1; F. 120, 1. Ic secat be sumere bisene sume anlícnesse þsére wísan þé getǽcan, oþ þé ꝥ þing cúþre sié guae tibi caussa notior est, eam prius designare verbis atque informare conabor, 22, 2 ; F. 78, 14. Ðú mé gehéte lytle ǽr ꝥ þú hí woldest mé getǽcan eam tu paullo ante monstrasti, 33, 3; F. 126, 10. Ic hit þé wille getǽcan hoc verissima ratione paiefaciam, 34, 9; F. 146, 13. Ðǽr ic hasbbe getǽht hwelc hierde bión sceal monstrare qualis essedebeat Pastor, Past. 467, 20. III. to shew an object to a person so that the object may be attained by the person, to shew a way, place, &c. (1) lit. :-- Hé mé wið his sunu setl getǽhte, B. 2013. Him freá engla wíc getǽhte, Gen. 2837. Gúðlác bæd þǽt hé him þá stówe getǽhte Guthlacus ilium locum sibi monstrari a narrante efflagitat, Guth. Gr. 114, 22. (2) fig. :-- Getǽc mé þone weg. Bt. 36, 3; F. 174, 32. Ic ðé wille getǽcan ðone weg þe ðé gelǽt tó þǽre heofen-lican byrig viam tibi, quae íe domum revehat, ostendam, 36, 1; F. 172, 28: 40, 5 ; F. 240, 17. IV. to shew a person the direction that must be taken, the direction being marked by a preposition, to send :-- Nán man ne getǽce his getihtledan man fram him, Ll. Th. i. 210, 23. IV a. to assign a person to a position :-- His fæder hine strýnð be his ágenre freódehter, and hé bið his móder twám sibbum getǽht (he is assigned to two of his mother's relationships), þæt hé bið ǽgðer ge sunu ge bróðer, Wlfst. 193, 7. V. to shew the course that must be followed, to direct, appoint, prescribe, enjoin, impose. (1) absolute :-- Gebéte hé swá bisceop get-ǽce, Ll. Th. i. 168, 18 : ii. 300, 17. Béte swá him dómeras getǽcan quantum arbitri judicaverint, 48, 18. (2) with acc. :-- Smyltnisse gesette l getáhte silentium im-posuisset Saducaeis, Mt. L. 22, 34. Smeágean mid hwylcere fulfremednysse se dǽdbéta gebét hæbbe ꝥ him getǽht wæs (id quod ei praescriptum erat), Ll.Th. ii. 178, 13. (3) with clause :-- Hé him getǽhte hwæt hí on ðǽm dón sceolden, hwæt ne scolden quid facefe, quidve non facere deberet, indixit, Past. 405, 29. þá getǽhte man Wynflǽde ꝥ hió móste hit hyre geáhnian, Cht. Th. 288, 34. Hálig hundum ne is sellennde fore-gemercade l getáchte sanctum canibus nan dandum prae-figit, Mt. p. 15, 7. V a. to warn :-- Ðe angel fore-gelǽrde l fore-getáhte angelo praemonente, Mt. p. 14, 2. VI. to teach :-- 'Ic wolde ꝥ þú leornodest hú þú mihtest becuman tó ðám sóþum gesǽlþum.' Ðá cwæþ ic: ' Hú ne gehéte þú mé gefyrn ǽr ꝥ þú hit woldest mé getǽcan, ' Bt. 33, 3; F. 126, 31. VI a. to persuade: cf. lǽfan :-- Wé getǽceþ (lǽrað, W. S. ) him suadebimus ei, Mt. R. 28, 14. VII. to shew in action, give effect to :-- On hundrede wé wyllaþ ꝥ(mon folcriht getǽce æt ǽlcere spǽce, Ll. Th. i. 260, 12. ge-tæcan