Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-þafian
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- ge-þafian
- Add: -þeafian. I. to permit :-- Ne cweðo ic nó ðæt bebeódende, ac lǽrende and geðafigende hoc autem dico secundum indulgentiam, non secundum imperium, Past. 397, 28. (1) with acc. :-- Ðone gedwolan ðe hé stiéran sceolde hé oft tó suíðe geðafað, Past. 143, 11. Ðonne God hwæt wyrcþ oþþe geþafaþ. Bt. 39, 10; F. 226, 25. Hé geþafað þá dyrnan geþingo, Ll. Th. i. 240, 16. Búte hit God wille oððe geþafige. Bt. 41, 2 ; F. 244, 19. Wé nellað geþafian ꝥ unriht, Ll. Th. i. 388, 4: ii. 312, 17. Hwílum sint tó geðafianne (-enne, ) ðás eorðlican tielunga, Past. 135, 21. (I a) with dat. of person :-- Ná ðá áne ðe yfel dóþ, ac ǽlc þára þe hit ðám dóndum geðafiað, Ll. Lbmn. 475, 37- Ð á hé him geðafode ðone gielp, ðá forbeád hé him ðæt yfel, Past. 459, 1. Swá góde laga swá . . . ic heom á geþafode and geþafian wille, Ll. Th. i. 276, 18. Nele him mon nǽnne teám geðafian, 260, 2. Ne sý him gemǽne þigen geþafod, R. Ben. 69, 13. (I b) with complementary participle :-- Hé geðafode ðá scylde unwítnode, Past. 12. 3, 6. (2) with clause :-- Hwílum hé geþafaþ ꝥ þá gódan habbaþ unsǽlþa, Bt. 39, 2; F. 214, 3 : Bl. 45, 19. ꝥ hí ne geþafian, gyf his waldan magan, ꝥ þǽr ǽnig unriht úp áspringe, Ll. Th. ii. 312, 36: 39. Geþafian ꝥ men forwyrcean hí sylfe, 30. (2 a) with dat. of person :-- Geðafað him mon ðæt hé hiene restð, Past. 142, 20. Hé him ne geðafað ðæt . . . , 419, 3:4. Hí him geþafiaþ þæt hí bióþ heora hláfordas. Bt. 16, 3; F. 54, 20. Hé his suna geþafode þæt hé læg mid Lucrettie, Ors. 2, 2 ; S. 66, 30. ꝥ hié þǽm ne geþafian ꝥ hié heora líf on wóh lifgean, Bl. H. 45, 11. (3) with infin. and dat. :-- Náðer ne hié selfe on ryhtne weg gán noldon, ne óðrum geðafigean, Past. 59, 21. (4) with acc. of pronoun representing clause or phrase :-- Ðǽm hié geðafigað ðyllic, Past. 143, 22. Gif hit tó bóte gegá, and se cyng ꝥ g þafige, þonne béte man, Ll. Th. i. 340, 16. Gif hé þá hand lésan wille, and him mon ꝥ geþafian wille, 66, 5. (5) construction uncertain :-- Béten hi swá swá man geðafige, Ll. Th. i. 168, 20. Bútan hé hine æt þám cynge gebicge swá swá hé him geþafian wille, 266, 19. II. to permit what is displeasing to oneself, suffer. (l) with acc. :-- Hé ne can ongitan tor hwí God swylc geþafaþ, Bt. 39, 2; F. 214, 10. Hé gedwolan wiðsóc and þone ne geðafode, Bd. 5, 21; Sch. 676, 17. Gif yfel þeáh bión scyle, and hé hit geþafian wile, Bt. 36, 1 ; F. 172, 6. (2) with acc. of pronoun representing a clause or phrase :-- Þ á hí (Rome) hiere ágen ealdormonn and Gotona cyning hiere anwaldes beniman woldon, hit God ne geþafode, Ors. 2, 1; S. 62, 29. Swá swá hit God æt fruman wisse and ðeáh geþafode, Past. 443, 9. Hé þóhte idese besmítan: ne wolde þæt wuldres déma geþafigan, Jud. 60. III. to permit something (troublesome) to be done to oneself, to submit to, suffer. Cf. ge-þafung; II. (1) with acc. :-- Ic mid eáðmédum eall geþafige humiliter sentiebam, Ps. Th. 130, 3. Hwæt óðre men him forberaðand geðafiað what other men put up with and submit to from them, Past. 397, 5. Hé sulgende geðafode swingellan tacitus flagella toleravit, 261, 11. Ða hálgan menn geðafedon bismer sancti ludibria experti, 205, 11 : Hml. S. 23, 88. Ðæt hé suingellan geðafige ut flagella toleret. Fast. 261, 20. ꝥ hé þæt ilce yfel ne geþafige óþrum monnum þe hé ǽr óþrum dyde that he may not submit to the same evil from others, that he before did to others, Bt. 16, 2: F. 54, 6. Níð geðafian, Dan. 633. Ic geþafian sceal his dóm and him wesan imdcrþýded, Gú. 572. (2) with clause :-- Hé geðafode ðæt hine mon mid fýste slóg . . . hé geðafode ðæt him mon sette ðyrnenne beág on ðæt heáfud colaphos pertulit. . . spinis caput supponere non recusavit, Past. 261, 12-14. Ðæt him nylle geðafigean ðæt hé hine sníðe, 185, 26: 187, 8. (3) with acc. of pronoun repre-senting a clause :-- Ðæt hié ongieten ðæt hié mon tǽle, and ðæt eáð-módlíce geðafigen deprehendi se cognoscunt et perpeti, Past. 151, 15. Hæfton hí hine. Gif hé nylle hit geþafian, Ll. Th. i. 210, 8. IV. to consent, assent. (1) to consent to a person, be in agreement with :-- Hé him lustlíce geþafode cui cum ille libenter adquiesceret, Bd. 3, 23; Sch. 302, 16. Ðæt hié né gedeafien wiðerbrocum ne consentiant adversariis, Ps. Srt. ii. p. 194, 37. Sió geþafigende assentatrix, Wrt. Voc. ii. 88, 5. (I a) to consent to action :-- Gif hit swá getímað þæt eal geférrǽden þone tó abbode gecýst þe hyra leahtrum geþeafige (-þaf-, v. l. ) si omnis congregatio vitiis suis consentientem personam elegerit, R. Ben. 119, 7. (2) to assent to a request (dat.), acquiesce in a plan, an opinion, &c. :-- Ne hió ne geþafoð éniges benum nec adquiescet cuiusquam precibus, Kent. Gl. 174. Hé his bénum geþafode qui precibus eius adnuens, Bd. 3, 7; Sch. 215, 19. þ á geþafode hé heora geþeahte adnuit consilio eorum, 4, 30; Sch. 534, 11. Hé his willan and his heofonlicum lustum geþafade (adnuit), 5, 19 ; Sch. 655, 17. Mid þý he ná his bénum geþafian nolde cum rex nullatenus precibus illius assensum praeberet, 3, 24; Sch. 307, 5. (3) to admit the justice of reproof, advice, &c. , attend to :-- Sé ðe geðafeð qui adquiescit (increpationibus), Kent, Gl. 542. Ne geðafede non adquievit, 96. Ne hí Agustinus lárum ne his bénum ne his þreám geþatígean woldon cum neque precibus, neque kortamentis, neque increpationibus Augustini adsensum praebere uoluis-sent. Bd. 2, 2; Sch. 113, 20. (3 a) to attend to a person :-- Sé (te geðafeð qui adquiescit (arguenti). Kent. Gl. 455. Ne wend þú þé nó . . . on þæs unwísestan láre, ne him ne geþafa, Ll. Th. i. 54, 8. (4) to consent to action or condition to which one is invited or called, make oneself a party to. (a) with acc. :-- Se gǽst bið oferwunnen mid ðǽre lustfulnesse, ðæt hé hit gedafað . . . Eue hí underðiódde mid lustfulnesse swá swá líchoma. Ðá wæs Adam . . . ðurh Euan lustbǽrnesse oferswíðed, ðæt hé geðafode (ðá synne spiritus victus delectatione consentit. . . Eva quasi caro delectationi subdidit, Adam delectatione superatus assensit, Past. 417, 24-29: 18. Leáses monnes dómas ne geþafa þú, Ll. Th. i. 54, 4. Sé þe ofer ꝥ láde geþafie oþþe sé þe hý sylle, Ll. Th. i. 298, 7. Ðæt byð se mǽsta wurðscipe, ðæt mon cunne riht gecnáwan, and hit ðonne wylle geþafian, Prov. K. 9. Hé geðafigende folgað ðǽre costunga, Past. 417, 11. Bæd hé þá cempan ꝥ hí onféngon gereorde mid him ; geþafode ꝥ óþer, óðer ðára wiþsóc, Shrn. 129, 32. (b) with clause :-- Ðá geþafedon hí þæt hí him wíf sealdon uxores dare consenserunt, Bd. 1, 1; Sch. 11, 26. (c) absolute, to consent :-- Ǽgðer ge hé wolde ge hé nolde, and ðeáh for eáðmódnesse geðafode nolunt et obedivit, Past. 51, 10. (5) to consent to action under compulsion :-- Ðone nýdde Decius deófolgeld tó begangenne. Þá hé þæt ne geþafode . . . , Shrn. 128, 17. ge-þafian