
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-þwǽrlǽcan

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Add: I. trans. To reconcile, unite :-- Hé wolde mancynn gesibbian and geðwǽrlǽcan tó þám heofenlicum werode, swá swá Paulus cwæð: 'Ipse est pax nostra, qui fecit utraque unum,' Hml. Th. ii. 580, 2. II. intrans. (1) of persons or things personified. (a) to agree, come to terms with an opponent, be reconciled with :-- Hé geðwǽrlǽhte wið Pilate (cf. facti sunt amici Herodes et Pilatus, Lk. 23, 12), Hml. Th. ii. 384, 2. Godes word is úre wiðerwinna ... wé sceolon geðwǽrlǽcan wið ꝥ word, Hml. A. 8, 193: 9, 214. (b) to agree together, be companions, act in concert :-- Seó sǽ and se móna geþwǽrlǽcað heom betweónan, ǽfre hig beóð geféran on wæstme and on wanunge, Angl. viii. 327, 25. (c) to agree with another, be a companion, accomplice of, consent to the plans of :-- Gif þé fédan synfulle, ná geþwǽrlǽce him (non adquiescas eis), Scint. 191, 10. Ne ðú manslagum ne geðwǽrlǽce ... ne yfeldǽdum ne geðwǽrlǽce, Hml. S. 21, 360, 361. (d) to agree in a proceeding, consent to, be a party to :-- Ne gebyrað ... ꝥ hí geþwǽlǽcan sceolon on ǽniges mannes deáðe, Hml. S. 32, 223. (e) to agree in, or with an opinion :-- Þisum andgite geðwǽrlǽcd Danihel on his wítegunge, Hml. Th. i. 518, 15. On ðisum andgite geðwǽrlǽhð Matheus, 616, 8. Ealle þá geleáffullan fæderas geþwǽrléhton on þám ánum ꝥ God gescypð ǽlces mannes sáwle, Hml. S. i. 85. (f) to act in accordance with, suitably to a condition, adapt oneself :-- Þú swíðost geþwǽrlǽcst mínes sylfes gewilnunge you act exactly as I desire, Hml. S. 37, 108. Ꝥ háliggewrit wyle tó úre sprǽce geþwǽrlǽcan (-lǽtan, MS., -lécan, -þwérlǽcan, ) and on úre wísan ús tó sprecð utitur Scriptura Sancta usitatis nobis verbis, ut coaptet se nostrae parvitati, Angl. vii. 34, 320. (2) of things, (a) to agree together, have the same characteristics :-- Lengtentíma and cildiugoð geþwǽrlǽcað, and cnihtiugoð and sumor beoð gelíce, and hærfest and geþungen yld geférlǽcað, Angl. viii. 299, 26. (b) to agree with another. His lífes clǽnnys geðwǽrlǽhte mid þám bígenge his bodunge concordabat vitae munditia cum studio praedicationis, Gr. D. 33, 22. (c) to be suited, be adapted to :-- Gehwǽrlǽcan congruant (gymnicorum exempla congruant ad comparationem, Ald. 3, 23), An. Ox. 66. geþwær-læcan,ge-þwærlæcan

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