Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-trymman
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
-trymian, -trymigan, -tremman; he -trymmeþ, -trymþ;
- ge-trymman
- p. -trymde, -trymede; pp. -trymed, -trymmed, -trymd. I. to confirm, strengthen, encourage, establish, found, set in order, arrange, draw up; firmāre, confirmāre, mūnīre, confortāre, hortāri, fundāre, instruĕre :-- Ic Wærferþ bisceop mid mínre ágenre handa ðas sylene getrimme and gefæstnie I, bishop Wærferth, with my own hand confirm and ratify this donation, Th. Ch. 169, 3. Ða ðé mágon getrymian [getrymigan, MS. Bod.] which may encourage thee, Bt. 36, 1; Fox 172, 27. Ic getrymme ofer ðé eágan míne firmābo sŭper te ŏcŭlos meos, Ps. Lamb. 31, 8: Ps. Th. 74, 3. Getrymmeþ rihtwíse Drihten confirmat justos Dŏmĭnus, Ps. Spl. 36, 18. Ealle geþeaht ðín he getrymþ omne consĭlium tuum confirmet, 19, 4: Ps. Lamb. 36, 18. Ðú getrymdest ofer me hand ðíne confirmasti sūper me manum tuam, Ps. Spl. 37, 2. Ðú me getrymedest exhortātus es me, Ps. Th. 70, 20: 79, 14, 16. He ða ymbhwyrft eorþan getrymede firmāvit orbem terræ, 92, 2: 104, 20: 131, 11. He beforan ðam geate his folc getrymede he drew up his army before the gate, Ors. 4, 10; Bos. 92, 41. Getrym me confirma me, Ps. Spl. 50. 13. Ðín weorc on us getryme confirma hoc quod opĕrātus es in nobis, Ps. Th. 67, 26. Eall ðín geþeaht he getrymie omne consĭlium tuum confirmet, 19, 4. Byþ his heorte getrymed confirmātum est cor ejus, 111, 7: 116, 2. Hit wæs ofer ðæne stán getrymed fundāta ĕrat sŭper petram, Lk. Bos. 6, 48. He hæfde ðæt folc getrymmed he had drawn up the troops, Byrht. Th. 132, 27; By. 22. Worde [MS. word] Drihtnes heofonas [MS. heofones] getrymde synd verbo Dŏmĭnī cæli firmāti sunt, Ps. Spl. 32, 6. II. convălescĕre :-- Ecbyrht hine ðære ádle getrymede Ecgberct ægrĭtudĭnis convăluit, Bd. 3, 27; S. 559, 23. ge-trymman