
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ge-wilnung

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Add:--I. desire to obtain. (1) in a favourable or indifferent sense:--Gif hé hit herede, eft hé stiérde ðǽre gewilnunge laudans desiderium in pavorem vertit quod laudavit, Past. 53, 9. Mid gewilnungum stefne wé singaþ votis voce psallimus, Hy. S. 114, 36. ¶ desire for a person, love:--Gewilnunge (infimi, i. terreni) amoris, An. Ox. 1184. (1 a) with gen. of what is desired:--Hé for ðǽre gewilnunge swelcra weorca biscopdóm ne sécð episcopatum non appetit per hunc boni operis ministerium, Past. 55, 1. Mid ðǽre gewilnunge ðára ungesewenlicra ðinga invisibilia appetendo, 98, 3. Gewilnunge, for begeate obtentu, i. ob desiderio (castitatis), An. Ox. 2698. Hé micele gewilnunge hæfde Crístes tócymes, Hml. Th. i. 136, 9. (1 b) where the desire is expressed in a clause:--Hé þæt gewinn swíþost dyde for þǽre gewilnunge þe hé wolde hí him on fultum geteón, Ors. 3, 7; S. 112, 2. (2) in an unfavourable sense:--Sé bið hoferede, sé ðe sió byrðen ofðrycð ðisse eorðlican gewilnunge (terrenae sollicitudinis), Past. 67, 13. Oferswíðde mid sumre unryhtre gewilnunge repentina concupiscentia superati, 21, 8. Mid hira ágenre gewilnunge onbærnede sua cupidine accensi, 27, 18. On ðǽm eorðlicum gewilnungum terrenis desideriis, 155, 23. ¶ desire for the pleasures of sense, lust. (α) greediness for food:--Suá hé sceal etan ðætte hine sió gewilnung ðǽre gífernesse of his módes fæsðrǽdnesse ne gebrienge ne illos appetitus gulae a mentis statu dejiciat, Past. 317, 6. Gewilnunga birgena sepulchra concupiscentiae, Num. 11, 34. Ðá niétenu for ðǽre gewilnunge hiera giéfernesse (appetitu gulae) simle lócigeað tó ðǽre eorðan, Past. 155, 19. (β) sexual lust. appetitu (pretiosarum vestium), An. Ox. 5158. Mid ungemǽtlicre gewilnunge anwaldes dominationis libidine, Ors. 1, 2; S. 28, 27. For ðǽre gewilnunga woroldgielpes and giétsunga per ambitum quasi per gulae desiderium, Past. 157, 2. Mid ungerisenlicum gewilnungum ðissa woroldðinga ambitione inhonesta, 157, 9. ¶ greed, lust. v. 2 ¶. (α) with reference to food:--Se feónd ðæs ǽrestan monnes mód ontýnde on ðæs æples gewilnunge hostis primi hominis sensum in concupiscentia pomi aperuit, Past. 309, 17. (β) of sexual lust:--For ðǽre sceamleáslecan gewilnunge his wífes in appetitu foeminae, 35, 24. II. desire to act. (1) in a good sense:--Georn[fulnysse], gewilnunge intentione, i. desiderio, An. Ox. 2526. (2) in an unfavourable sense:--Gewilnung, styrung gestus (interioris hominis sanaretur), An. Ox. 2077. Ná mid gewilnedre (-fylledre?) gewilnunge nequaquam effecta voluntate, 4678. Tolcetunge gewilnunge titillationum, i. stimulorum luxurie gestus (corporeos), 2183. III. a desired object, an object of desire:--Eálá þú Hǽlend úre álýsednyss, lufu and gewilnung (desiderium), Hy. S. 83, 33. v. unriht-gewilnung. ge-wilnung

Palabras relacionadas: 2 a ¶ β. (2 a) with gen. of what is desired:--Gewilnunge
