Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - geár-gemearc
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- geár-gemearc
- Substitute: Measurement of time expressed in years. Cf. fót-, míl-gemearc; geár-gerím :-- Mé onsende sigedryhten mín, siððan ic furðum ongon on þone æfteran ánseld búgan geárgemearces (directly after I had begun the second year of my inhabiting the hermitage. In the prose legend the corresponding passage is: Ðan aefteran geáre þe ic þis wésten eardode, þæt on ǽfen and on ǽrnemergen God sylfa þone engcel mínre frófre tó mé sende, Guth. 86, 3-5), ... engel ufancundne, sé mec éfna gehwám ... and on morgne gesóhte, Gú. 1215. [The note given above under án-seld is wrong (búgan = to dwell), and án-seld is neuter.] gear-gemearc