Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - gearcian
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- gearcian
- Add: I. to prepare, make ready :-- Hē sceolde gearcian and dæftan his weig . . . Hē gearcad þone weig cumendum Gode, Hml. Th. i. 362, 7-11. Ealle mīne ding ic gearcode (omnia parata); cumad tō þām giftum, 522, 8. Gearcode hē his fare and tō Englelande cōm, Chr. 1091 ; P. 226, 28. Hī gearcodon hī sylfe tō wīge, Hml. A. 104, 68, 75. Gearciad þā þing þe eów gewunelice synd tō bebyrigunge, Hml. S. 3, 579. Hē hēt gearcian tō heora gyftum mænigfealde mǣrda, Hml. A. 95, 103. Þysum is tō gearcigenne þā rēþestan wīta, Hml. S. 24, 21. Ēce brynas gearcigendum eterna incendia preparanti, Angl. xi. 116, 18. I a. to dress food, skins, &c. :-- Ic bicge hȳda and fell and gearkie (praeparo) hig mid cræfte, Coll. M. 27, 29. Gearca ūs gereord-unge, Hml. Th. i. 60, 18. Bere is swīde earfode tō gearcigenne, 188, 4. II. to present, furnish, supply :-- Gearcaþ wæfersȳne prestat spectaculum, An. Ox. 1225. Wala gearcode uibices exhibuit, 4488. Wē ne gearcian nullatenus prebeamus, i. adhibeamus, 749. Þæt gē ān clǣne mǣden gearcion Crīste virginem castam exhibere Christo, Hml. A. 30, 140. Tō gearcygenne adhibenda, Wülck. Gl. 251, 19. Gearciende exibens, An. Ox. 4638. gearcian