Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - geond-geótan
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- geond-geótan
- Add:--Fusi, i. dispersi, confusi vel gendgotene, Wrt. Voc. ii. 152, 8. I. to cover by pouring, overspread with a liquid:--Ꝥ man ealle þá bydenu mid pice geondgute omnia dolia pice superfusa, Gr. D. 57, 30. Hé wæs geondgoten mid þæs swátes dropum he was bathed in perspiration, Hml. S. 23 b, 233. Þá wearð heó eall mid teárum geondgoten she was bathed in tears, 33, 234. I a. fig. to cover with confusion, &c.:--Þú gendgute hine mid gescændnysse perfudisti eum confusione, Ps. L. 88, 46. Mid ádle geondgoten, Bd. 4, 31; Sch. 543, 4. Geondgotene synt þíne weleras mid Godes gyfe diffusa est gratia in labiis tuis, Ps. Th. 44, 3. II. to spread (1) a liquid (lit. or fig.) over a surface:--Gindgoten is gife on welerum þínum, Ps. L. 44, 3. (2) objects about or over a surface:--Geondgeótað (gend-, Hpt. Gl. 408, 19) diffundunt (densos exercitos per campos), An. Ox. 91. II a. to spread (intrans.) over:--Sped geondgýt (gend-, Hpt. Gl. 447, 24) glaucoma suffundit, An. Ox. 1729. III. to spread (trans.) through a space, pour into (lit. or fig.), infuse:--Monna inngeðonc giendgeótan (gind-, ) and gewæterian interiora infundere, Past. 137, 10. Ꝥ of þám ilcan wíne wǽron gesewene uneáðe ealle þá fatu geondgotene ut ex eodem vino omnia vascula vix infusa viderentur, Gr. D. 58, 27. III a. to saturate, soak with:--Grytte geondgotene mid wíne, Lch. ii. 200, 9. III b. to spread (intrans.) through, pour through:--Sió blódsceáwung geondgét ealne þone líchoman, Lch. ii. 222, 9. geond-geotan