Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - gidding
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- gidding
- Dele first and last passages, take here gedding in Dict., and add: I. of metrical composition :-- Bēda þises hālgan līf ǣgder ge æfter ānfealdre gereccednysse ge æfter leódlicere gyddunge āwrāt Bede wrote St. Cuthbert's life both in prose and in verse, Hml. Th. ii. 134, l. II. of formal or serious speech. (l) a dark saying, riddle, an enigma :-- Geddunga enigmata, Wrt. Voc. ii. 32, 54. (2) of figurative speech, a similitude, parable :-- Gicwæd hē dās geddunga, onlīcnesse l bisene dicebat hanc similitudinem, Lk. R. 13, 6. Geddunge parabolam, 15, 3: 19, Geddong, Lk. p. 10, 7. Getdung, 7, 3. (Parabola is often glossedby geddung in the Lindisfarne and Rushworth versions of St. Luke's Gospel.) (3) of prophetic or divine speech :-- Drihten, . . . gidæht dīn ald geddung sōd sié Domine, . . . consilium tuum antiquum verum fiat, Rtl. I. 9. Gyddunge gerȳna (futura propheticae) diuinationis oracula, An. Ox. 2534: 2, 97. Ðurh Crīstes drowunge wurdon dǣra wītgena gyddunga gefyllede, Hml. Th. ii. 372, 13. Gehȳrad wītedōm, Iōbes gieddinga, Ph. 549.