Hése, hoese, haese, hýse
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - hése, hoese, haese, hýse
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- hése, hoese, haese, hýse
- woodland country, land with bushes and bushwood. [The character of the land to which this name is applied seems marked by the fact that a denbǽre is called hése] :-- Adiectis quatuor denberis . . . heáhden, hése, helmanhyrst, C. D. i. 317, 20. Adiectis denberis in commune saltu . . . Meredaen . . . and Teppan hýse, 194, 36. De patrimonio meo. . . . nomine Hyse, 298, 36. In loco qui dicitur on Linga hoese, 192, 13. Terra . . . pertinens tó haese, 294, 25. Cf. Ðonon on hésleá, C. D. V. 121, 34. On hésleábróc, iii. 97, 29: vi. 102, 31. [O. L. Ger. (Gall.) hési-penning a forest-tax. See Jelliughaus, s. v. hees. Low Lat. heisia silva sepibus septa, Migne.] hoese,hese,haese,hyse