
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - híwan

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Add: I. the domestics of a household :-- Þá híwan familiares domus illius, Bd. 3, 9; Sch. 231, 15. Ðá cóm sum þára hína, cleopode mec, 5, 3; Sch. 565, 12. Twégen æceras on gemang hína lande (land let to the members of a household?), C. D. iii. 400, 7. Hína herdlandes, 399, 30. Hína gemǽre boundary of land held by the híwan (?), 24. Gif mon his heówum in fæsten flǽsc gefe, Ll. Th. i. 46, 9. Hí áxodon æt þám híwum hwæðer Petrus ðǽr wununge hæfde, Hml. S. 10, 111. ¶ Hí(g)na ealdor the head of a household :-- Gemétte hé þǽr fǽmnan wæs nift þæs hína ealdres (patris familias), Bd. 3, 9; Sch. 231, 11. Wæs sum híwscypes fæder and hína ealdor erat pater familias, 5, 12; Sch. 612, 18. II. a king's household :-- Se cyning ne his híwan (híred, ), Bd. 3, 14; Sch. 260, 1. Him (the king) and his híwum sibi suisque, 3, 28; Sch. 323, 16. III. the members of a religious house :-- Ceólréd abbud and ðá hígan on Medeshámstede, C. D. ii. 46, 15. Ðis syndan ðæs londes gemǽru ðe hígen biscope gesald habbað. Ǽrest of Sæuerne be hígna gemǽre, iii. 463, 13. Mid ærcebiscopes geðeahte and ðára hióna et Crístes cirican, i. 299, 14. Ic Werferð biscop mid míra hígna leáfe, ii. 132, 9. Ðem hiium tó Crístes cirican, i. 299, 35. v. riht-híwa. hiwan

Palabras relacionadas: l. domestici eius
