
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - hyht

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

Add: I. hope, expectation of something desired :-- Ðæt sió manung hine tō hyhte gehwierfe ut admonitio eum ad'spent reducat, Past. 265, 21. la. where , the object of hope is given. (l) in gen. :-- Ne bid him wynne hyht, Ph. 480. Þū mē gelǣddest mid lufan hyhte deduxisti me quia factus es spes mea, Ps. Th. 60, 2. Þone onwrig-enan hyht reste þǣre ēcean wē habbaþ revelatam spem quietis aeterite tenemus, An. Ox. 40, 19: An. 1054. Sæle blidse mē, Dryhten, þīnre hǣlo heht redde mihi laetitiam salutaris tui, Ps. C. 100. (2) marked by a preposition:-Gū dlāc upp gemunde hām in heofonum. Him wæs hyht tō þām, Gū. 69. Utan ūs tō þǣre hȳde hyht stadelian, Cri. 865. (3) expressed in a clause :-- Hyht is onfangen, þæt bletsung mōt bǣm. gemǣne symle wunian, Cri. 99. II. feeling of trust or confidence in a person or thing :-- Þā gehȳrde hē hū þā menn . . . Crīstes helda swōron . . . Ðā cwæd hē on his mōde . . . ' Gyrstanǣfen nān man ne mihte Crīstes naman nemnian mid hihte,' Hml. S. 23, 534. Hē (Abraham) ford gebād langsumne hiht (cf. fide obtulit Abraham Isaac, Heb. ll, 17), Exod. 405. II a. where object of trust is given :-- Byd his heorte gearo hyhte tō Drihtne paratum cor ejus sperare in Domino, Ps. Th. 111, 7. Good is þæt ic on God mīnne hiht sette bonum est ponere in Deo spem meant, 72, 23: Gū. 406 : Hy. 4, 36. Ðæt hī heora hiht ne besetton on dām swicelum welum, Hml. Th. ii. 326, 35. Ic in mīnne fæder hyht stadelie, Jul. 437 : El. 798. Ðā de hiht on hine habbad fæste, Ps. Th. 129, 7: 143, 3. Ic God gemyndgade þǣr ic hæfde mǣstne hiht, 76, 3. III. hope of doing, intent, desire :-- Þǣr mīn hyht myned tō gesēcenne, Gū. 1061. Hī gehātad holdlīce, swā hyre hyht ne gǣd, Leás. 14. Ūsic lust hweted on þā leódmearce, micel mōdes hiht tō dǣre mǣran byrig, An. 287. Mē bid forwyrned þurh widersteall willan mīnes hyhtes, Jul. 442. IV. joyous expec-tation, joy, exultation :-- Hyht UNCERTAINæs ā in heofonum, Dōm. 64: Seef. 122. Lufu, līfes hyht, and ealles leóhtes gefeá, Cri. 585: Gū. 631. Hieru-salem, þū bist full hālgan hyhtes, swā þū gehāten eart (cf. Gerusalem is gereht ' sibbe gesyhþ', Bl. H. 81, l), Cri. 58. Manna gehwām mōd bid on hyhte, fyrhd āfrēfred, An. 637. Dreám wæs on hyhte, 876. Þæs þū gife hleótest, hāligne hyht on heofonþrymme, 481. Ic þē hāte þæt þū hellwarum hyht ne ābeóde, ah þū him secgan miht sorga mǣste, Sat. 695. Hyht geceósed, woruld wynsume sē þe wīs ne bid sāwle rǣdes, Leás. 40. V. a person or thing that gives hope or promise :-- Middaneardes Ālȳsend . . . heofonwara hyht and eorþwara, and eác ūre hyht, Bl. H. 87, 10. Þū mē eart se hēhsta hyht, Drihten tu es, Domini, spes mea, Ps. Th. 90, 9: El. 197 : Hy. 7, 9: Ph. 423 : Pa. 73. Gēr byd gumena hyht, þonne God lǣted hrūsan syllan beorhte blēda beornum, Rūn. 12. Weoruda Scyppend hafa þē tō hyhte, Fä. 63. Gemunad wigena wyn, hāligra hyht, heofonengla God, Jul. 642. VI. an object of hope, what is hoped for :-- Hīdendra hyht, Rä. 89, 5 : 65, 3. Is mīn hyht mid God, Gū. 289 : 61. VI a. what is expected :-- Nabbad hié tō hyhte nymde cyle and fȳr, Sat. 335 : 176. VII. ground of hope, promise, II, hyht-lic; III. v. ge-hyht. hyht

Palabras relacionadas: hyht-fnll;
