
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - læt-rǽde

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

adj. Slow of counsel, deliberate :-- Oft mon biþ suíðe wandigendre æt ǽlcum weorce and suíðe lætrǽde and wénaþ menn ðæt hit síc for suármódnesse and for unarodscipe and biþ ðeáh for wisdóme and for wærscipe often a man will be very hesitating in every action, and very deliberate, and men suppose that it is from stupidity and from cowardice, and yet it is from wisdom and caution; the Latin however has 'sæpe agendi tarditas gravitatis consilium putatur,' Past. 20, 1; Swt. 149,14. læt-ræde