Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - lepeþ
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
:-- Sum sceal wildne fugel átemian ... fédep on feterum ... lepeþ lyftswiftne lytlum gieflum óþ ðæt se wælisca his ǽtgiefan eáþmód weorþeþ, Exon. 88 b; Th. 332, 14-27; Vy. 85-91. Grein compares with
- lepeþ
- M. H. Ger. erlaffen languefacere, the passage would then mean that the hawk's fierceness and wildness were subdued by giving it little to eat. Might we however for lepeþ read léfeþ [cf. léf] or léweþ [cf. ge-léwan] = weakens, which would give very much the same meaning? lepeþ