
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - mearh-gehæcc

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:


n. A kind of pudding, a sausage :-- Mearhgehæc isica (insicia genus farciminis, seu obsonii ex carne concisa, Forcellini), Wrt. Voc, ii. 48, 35. Mærhgehæc (-hæt, Wrt.) isicia, i. 27, 22. [Halliwell gives 'hack the lights, liver, and heart of a boar or swine: hackin a pudding made in the maw of a sheep or hog: hack-pudding a mess made of sheep's heart, chopped with suet and sweet fruits: hatcher a dish of minced meat.] next word and haccian. mearh-gehæcc