Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - mǽg
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- m. A relative, kinsman :-- Mǽg propinquus, Wrt. Voc. 72, 45 : Ælfc. Gr. 5; Som. 4, 51. Hwylc þyncþ ðé ðæt sý ðæs mǽg ðe on ða sceaðan befeóll quis videtur tibi proximus fuisse illi qui incidet in latrones? Lk. Skt. 10, 36. Meig contribulius, Wrt. Voc. ii. 104, 26. Meeg, Ep. Gl. 6 f, 17. Se wæs his mǽg and his freónd and hæfde his sweoster tó wífe qui erat cognatus et amicus ejus, habens sororem ipsius conjugem, Bd. 3, 21; S. 551, 6 : Blickl. Homl. 113, 22. Him cýþdon ðæt hiera mǽgas him mid wǽron . . And ðá cuǽdon hié ðæt him nǽnig mǽg leófra nǽre ðonne hiera hláford . . and ðá budon hié hiera mǽgum ðæt hié gesunde from eodon, Chr. 755; Erl. 50, 17-21. Hér Æþelherd cining forþférde and fǽng Cúðréd his mǽg tó West-Seaxna ríce, 740; Erl. 47, 33 : 754; Erl. 49, 18 : 962; Erl. 120, 2. Abrahames mǽg (Lot), Cd. 94; Th. 121, 19; Gen. 2012. Higeláces mǽg (Beowulf), Beo. Th. 820; B. 408. Úre ieldesta mǽg our first parent, Past. 43, 5; Swt. 313, 15. Ne hǽme nán man wið his mǽges (fratris) wíf, Lefilii, Cd. 140; Th. 176, 5; Gen. 2907. Moises heóld his mǽges (soceri) sceáp, Ex. 3, 1. Moises gecirde tó his mǽge, 4, 18. Abrahame, mǽge Lothes, Cd. 141; Th. 177, 2; Gen. 2923. Cénwalh gesalde Cúþréde his mǽge (fratrueli), Chr. 648; Erl. 26, 15. Ne bysmra ðú ðínne mǽg non facies calumniam proximo tuo, Lev. 19, 13. Gif man gehádodne man oððe ælþeódigne forrǽde ðonne sceal him cyningc beón for mǽg and for mundboran, L. C. S. 40; Th. i. 400, 6. Ne his mágas (fratres) ne gelýfdon on hyne, Jn. Skt. 7, 5. His eorþlícan mágas his kinsmen according to the flesh, Chr. 979; Erl. 129, 12. His mágas and his frýnd cognati atque amici, L. Ecg. C. 36; Th. ii. 160, 22. Gif bana of lande gewíteþ his mágas healfne leód forgelden, L. Ethb. 23; Th. i. 8, 7. Bócland him his mǽgas (MS. B. his yldran) leáfden, L. Alf. pol. 41; Th. i. 88, 16. Hine móton his mǽgas (MS. B. mágas) unsyngian his kindred may exculpate him, L. In. 21; Th. i. 116, 8. Sunu oððe mǽgas (MS. B. mágas), 23; Th. i. 116, 15. Mága affinium, Hpt. Gl. 480, 18. Ǽnig ðínra mága oððe yldrena aliquis de tuis parentibus aut cognatis, Bd. 2, 12; S. 514, 15. Mid gýmenne mínra mága cura propinquorum, 5, 24; S. 647, 22. Se wæs æðelboren of ǽwfæstum mágum he was nobly born of pious parents, Homl. Skt. 4, 3. Suna ic lǽrde ðæt hié hýrdon heora yldrum and heora mágum, Blickl. Homl. 185, 21. Súþ-Seaxe and Eást-Seaxe from his mǽgum (ancestors) ǽr mid unryhte ánídde wǽrun, Chr. 823; Erl. 62, 23. Gé beóþ gesealde fram mágum and gebróðrum and cúðum and freóndum trademini a parentibus et fratribus et cognatis et amicis, Lk. Skt. 21, 16. Lǽraþ eówre suna and eówre mágas docebis filios ac nepotes tuos, Deut. 4, 9. Mágos propinquos, Kent. Gl. 368. Bearn árísaþ ongén mágas insurgent filii in parentes, Mt. Kmbl. 10, 21. Ymbe míne mágas ic hogige erga propinquos curo, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 47, 29. Ðíne leófostan frýnd fæder and módor and ðíne mágas patrem tuum et matrem et omnem cognationem tuam, Jos. 2, s8: Ps. Th. 73, 8. Ealle wyrd forsweóp míne mágas, Beo. Th. 5622; B. 2815 : Blickl. Homl. 139, 16. [Laym. mæi a cousin : Goth. mégs a son-in-law : O. Sax. mág a relation : O. Frs méch : Icel. mágr a father-in-law : O. H. Ger. mág cognatus, affinis.] v. cneó-, fæderen-, freó-, friðe-, heáfod-, hleó-, hylde-, leód-, médren-, neáh-, wine-, woruld-mǽg; un-mǽg; ge-mágas. mæg