
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - míðan

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

p. máð, pl. miðon; pp. miðen. I. to conceal, dissemble (a) with gen. :-- Ðú mé tǽldesð forðon ic mín máð and wolde fleón ða byrðenne ðære hirdelecan giémenne pastoralis curae me pondera fugere delitescendo voluisse reprehendis, Past. proem.; Swt. 23, 11. Mé nǽfre næs ealles swá ic wolde ðeáh ic his miðe it was never with me just as I would, though I dissembled the fact, Bt. 26, 1; Fox 90, 28. (b) with acc. :-- Ic on móde máð, monna gehwylcne, þeódnes þrymcyme, Exon. 51 a; Th. 177, 18; Gú. 1229. Hé ða wyrd ne máð, fǽges (Guthlac) forðsíð, 52 b; Th. 182, 33; Gú. 1319. Ðá hié ús gesáwon hié selfe sóna in heora húsum deágollíce hié miðan visis nobis continuo inter tectorum suorum culmina delituerunt, Nar. 10, 18. Ne sceal ic míne onsýn for eówere mengu míðan, Exon. 43 a; Th. 144, 18; Gú. 680. Ic míðan sceal monna gehwylcum síðfæt mínne, 127 b; Th. 491, 12; Rä. 80, 13. Ic monnan funde heardsǽligne mód míðendne I found a man of hard fortunes, his thoughts concealing, 115 a; Th. 442, 29; Kl. 20. (c) case undetermined :-- Míðiþ dissimulat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 106, 42. Míðeþ, 25, 51. Fela gé fore monnum míðaþ, ðæs ðe gé in móde gehycgaþ, Exon. 39 a; Th. 130, 10; Gú. 436. Cyriacus hygerúne ne máð tó Gode cleopode Cyriacus concealed not the secret of his mind, but cried to God, Elen. Kmbl. 2196; El. 1099. Hwílum biþ gód tó míðanne his hiéremonna scylda aliquando subjectorum vitia prudenter dissimulanda sunt, Past. 21, 1; Swt. 151, 8. Miðene concealed, Bd. 4, 27; S. 604, 24. II. intrans. To be concealed, lie hid :-- Ðonne biþ sóna sweotol æteówod on him ðæt ǽr deágol máð then at once will be made manifest in him what before lay hid, L. M. 2, 66; Lchdm. ii. 298, 8. Monig þing ge egeslíce ge willsumlíce ðe óðre men miðon multa, quae alios laterent, vel horrenda, vel desideranda, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627, 30. Míðende dilitiscendo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 39. III. to avoid, refrain from, forbear (with inst.(?) dat.(?) or intrans.) :-- Ic þurh múþ sprece, hleoðre ne míðe I speak with my mouth ... refrain not from sound, Exon. 103 a; Th. 390, 20; Rä. 9, 4. Wulf on walde wǽlrúne ne máð, Elen. Kmbl. 56; El. 28. Ne míð ðú for menigo forbear not on account of the multitude, Andr. Krpbl. 2419; An. 1211. Ne mæg ic ðý míðan, Exon. 125 a; Th. 481, 1; Rä. 64, 10. [Havel. his sorwe he couþe ful wel miþe (conceal), 948: Gen. and Ex. ðog ðis folc miðe (forbore) a stund, 3807: O. Sax. míðan (with gen. acc. and intrans.) to avoid, forbear: O. H. Ger. mídan vitare, cavere, latere, latitare, occultare, erubescere: Ger. meiden: O. Frs. for-mítha.]

Palabras relacionadas: be-míðan. miðan,miþan
