Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - mót-lǽðu
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- mót-lǽðu
- in Chart. Th. 433, 22. The word occurs in a list of services due from the tenant of certain land, and seems to mean 'courts, assemblies' :-- Þreó mótlǽðu ungeboden on xii mónþum the tenant must attend three courts a year without summons. In the same charter, in similar lists, occur two phrases which seem identical in meaning with that just given, þríwa sécan gemót on xii mónþum, 433, 9, and iii gemót on geáre, 433, 32. The charter is later than 1066, perhaps the Icel. leið an assembly, may be compared. Cf. also kynnis-leið a visit to relations. mot-læðu