
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - mǽrsung

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:


f. I. a making known, report, rumour :-- Spranc mérsung ðiús (fama hæc) in alle eorþo, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 9, 26. Gefehto and mérsungo (opiniones) ðara gefehto, Mk. Skt. Lind. 13, 7. II. fame, renown, celebrity :-- Gesprang mérsung his in alle Syria abiit opinio ejus in totam Syriam, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 4, 24. Herodes gehérde mérsung (famam) Hǽlendes, 14, 1. Gesprang mérsung (rumor) his in all lond, Mk. Skt. Lind. 1, 28. III. celebration (of a rite, festival, &c.) :-- Gibedes ðisses gérlícre mérsunge observationis hujus annua celebritate, Rtl. 9, 21. Mǽrsung his gebyrdtíde the celebration of his birthday, Homl. Th. i. 480, 34. Ðás fíftig daga sind ealle gehálgode to ánre mǽrsunge, 312, 23. On ðære Eástrena mǽrsunge in celebratione Paschæ, Bd. 3, 17; S. 545, 21. Mid ða mǽrsunga ðara heofonlícra gerýna, 2, 9; S. 510, 37; 4, 22; S. 591, 21. IV. a making great, magnifying, glorification :-- Se Fæder hine sette tó his swíðran on heofenan ríce . . Ðeós is Cristes mǽrsung æfter ðære menniscnysse, Homl. Th. ii. 360, 28. Mid ealre boncunga and mǽrsunga hine herian to praise him with giving thanks and glory to him, Blickl. Homl. 31, 21. V. Greatness, magnificence, excellency, honour, favour :-- Syllaþ mǽr-sunge Gode úrum date magnificentiam deo nostro; ascribe ye greatness to our God (A. V.), Cant. M. ad f. 4. Mérsunge favore. Rtl. 8, 40. Ofer gesamnunge is his mǽrsung his excellency (magnificentia) is over Israel, Ps. Lamb. 67, 35: Ps. Spl. 110, 3: 70, 23. Ðæt ic synge ealne dæg mǽrsunga (magnitudinem) ðíne, 70, 9. Stefn Drihtnes on mǽrsungum the voice of the Lord is full of majesty, 28, 4.

Palabras relacionadas: cyric-, ge-mǽrsung. mærsung
