
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - nán

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

= ne án

; pron. I. as adjective, not one, none, no, (a) without other negatives :-- Nán mǽrra man wurde ácenned, Menol. Fox 319; Men. 161. Hit is nánum men getiohhod ac is eallum monnum it is not intended for one man, but for all men, Bt. 37, 2 ; Fox 188, 15. (b) with other negatives :-- Ne nán heora án nis ná læsse ðonne eall seó þrynnys and no one of them is less than all the Trinity, Homl. Th. i. 284, 1. Nán heort ne onscunode nǽnne león, ne nán hara nǽnne hund, ne nán neát nyste nǽnne andan ne nǽnne ege tó óðrum, 35, 6 ; Fox 168, 9-11. Nán swylc ne cwom....brýd, Exon. Th. 18, 28; Cri. 290. Swá nán óðer ná déþ mónaþ, Menol. Fox 392; Men. 197. Nán þing ðæs folces belyfen næs there was nothing left of the people, St. And. 34, 13. Næs ðæt nán þing wundor ðæt ... it was no wonder that, Deut. i. 37. Ða cild ðe niton nánes þinges nán gesceád ne gódes ne yfeles, 1, 39. Seó leáse wyrd ne mæg ðam men dón nǽnne dem, forðam heó nis nánes lofes wyrðe, Bt. 20; Fox 70, 22-24. Ne cyning næ bisceop ne nánes hádes man nullus rex aut episcopus, vel aliquis alius potens, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. he can in no wise avoid, 16, 2 ; Fox 54, 5. Ðá ne mihton hig him nán word andswarian ne nán ne dorste hyne nán þing máre áxigean, Mt. Kmbl. 22, 46. Ne sǽdon hyt mé náne swá sóðfeste men, Shrn. 204, 22. II. as predicate :-- Forhwí ðé hátan dysige men wuldor nú ðú náne eart (nán neart, MS. Cott.) why do foolish men call thee glory, when thou art none, Bt. 30, 1 ; Fox 108, 3. III. as substantive, (a) absolutely, none, no man, nothing :-- Nán mihtigra ðé nis, ne nán ðín gelíca, 33, 4; Fox 128, 11. Nán in nearowe néþan móste, Exon. Tb. 436, 12; Rä. 54, 13. Ðam wæs nán tó gedále, Cd. Th. 84, 20; Gen. 1400. Hé nolde nǽnne forlǽtan ðe him fylgian wolde, Hy. Grn. 10. 38. Deáþ náne forlét, Met. 10, 66. (b) with partitive genitive :-- Næs ǽnig engel geworden, ne ðæs miclan mægen-þrymmes nán, Exon. Th. 22, 17 ; Cri. 352. Him ne mæg ealdfeónda nán átre sceþþan, 229, 2 ; Ph. 449. Gúþbilla nán, Beo. Th. 1610; B. 803: 1980; B. 988. Næs heora neáta nán geyfelad jumenta eorum non sunt minorata, Ps. Th. 106, 37. Ne þearf hæleþa nán wénan, Met. 7, 6. Hwæt wille gé cueðan hwæs oððe hwæs gé síen ? gé habbaþ gecýðed ðæt gé úres nánes ( = úre nánes) ne siendon quid vos hujus vel illius dicitis, qui nullius vos esse monstratis ? Past. 32, 1 ; Swt. 211, 14. Nánne ne sparedon ðæs herefolces, Judth. 11 ; Thw. 24, 40 ; Jud. 233. Náne þinga beór ne drince on no account let him drink beer, Lchdm. ii. 88, 10. [Icel. neinn : cf. O. Sax. nén : O. H. Ger. nein (particle of negation).] v. nǽnig. nan

Palabras relacionadas: 218, 28. Hié nǽfre tó nánum men ne becumaþ, Bt. 11, 1 ; Fox 30, 27. Hé on náne wísan ne mæg forbúgan
