Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - of-spring
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- of-spring
- Add :-- For ðan ðe hé is Abrahames ofspring quod ipse filius sit Abrahae (Lk. 19, 9), Hml. Th. i. 582, 6. Eádríc hæfð geboht Sǽgyfu æt Ælfsige . . . tó écum freóte, and eall hire ofspring, C. D. vi. 209, 11. Tácnu wurðað on eów and on eówrum ofspringum (in semine tuo), Deut. 28, 46. Ofsprincgum (ofsprincge, Hpt. Gl. 416, 62) femoribus (non auferetur sceptrum de Iuda, et dux de femoribus ejus (Gen. 49, 10). The passage seems to have been freely translated as meaning there would not be wanting a leader among the descendants of Judah), An. Ox. 433. of-spring