Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - ofer-hygd
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-hýd, e;
- ofer-hygd
- f.: es; n.: -hygdu, -hýdu (o); indecl. f. [the plural is used with singular meaning, cf. ofer-méde, -méttu]. I. in a bad sense, pride, arrogance :-- Hæfde hig ofyrhigd (-hýd, MS. T.) tenuit eos superbia, Ps. Spl. 72, 6. Oferhigd supercilio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 76, 20. Oferhygd, Cd. Th. 21, 22; Gen. 328. Wlenco, oferhýd, 258, 21; Dan. 679. Ðæs oferhýdes ord, 272, 3; Sat. 114. Se is kyning ofer eall ða bearn oferhygde (-hýde, Cote. MSS.) ipse est rex super universos filios superbiae, Past. 17, 4; Swt. 111, 22. In oferhygde in superbia, Ps. Surt. 16, 10: 58, 13. Hú mycel yfel ðé gelamp for ðínre gítsunga and oforhýdo and for ðínum ídlan gilpe, Blickl. Homl. 31, 14. Hí druncennesse and oferhýdo wǽron heora swiran underþeóddende ebrietati, animositati, sua colla subdentes, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 26. Sum on oferhygdo þrinteþ, Exon. Th. 314, 33; Mód. 23. Nó wé oferhygdu (or pl.?) ánes monnes máran fundon, 118, 15; Gú. 240. Ðæt heofenlíce ríce ðæt ða ǽrestan men forworhtan þurh heora gífernesse and oferhygde, 25, 1. Se dóeþ oferhygde qui facit superbiam, Ps. Surt. 100, 7. Ða dóeþ oferhygd, 30, 24. Ðás þing wé sculon forgán oferhýd gýtsunge ... ab his debemus nos abstinere, a superbia, et avaritia ..., L. Ecg. P. ihe would give way to pride, Cd. Th. 287, 20; Sat. 370. II. in a good sense, honourable pride (?), high spirit :-- Gif ðú gesáwe sumne swíðe wísne man ðe hæfde swíðe góda oferhýda and wǽre ðeáh swíðe earm hwæðer ðú woldest cweþan ðæt hé wǽre unwyrþe anwealdes and weorþscipes si quem sapientia praeditum videres, num posses eum vel reverentia, vel ea, qua praeditus est, sapientia, non dignum putare? Bt. 27, 2; Fox 96, 24. [O. H. Ger. ubar-huht, -hucti superbia.] ofer-hygd