Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - on-scunian
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- on-scunian
- I. take here from III. Wrt. Voc. ii. 65, 16: 2, 23: 4, 74: 100, 41, and add :-- Onscuniend aporians, i. respuens (olidarum polluta nuptiarum contubernia aporians, Ald. 24, 26), An. Ox. 1785. (Cf. aporia, abominatio subitania, Ld. Gl. H. 61.) II. add :-- Gif hit mín geréfa onscunað si quis huic ordinationi resistens hoc deuitat, Ll. Th. i. 276, 26. 'Nelle wit (the eyes) nǽfre hǽr þá þeóstru þǽre nihte onscunian, ǽr wit magon þá sunnan sylfe geseón (tum tenebras non amabo, cum solem videro).' Ðystlíce mé ðincð þæt þá ǽágan dón, gyf hý onscuniað þǽra sunnan leóhtes þone dǽl þe hí hys geseón magon, Solil. H. 47, 5-9. Lócian on fýr ǽr ðám hé ongeán þá sunnan lócie. Siþþan hé þat geleornod hæbbe þæt his eágan nánwyht þæt fýr ne onscyniað, 45, 11. Ðý lǽs hié herigen hiera gódan weorc, and onscunigen ðæt hié selfe suá dón ne bona laudent, et agere recusent, Past. 231, 13. III. add :-- Swá micle lǽs ðæt mód onscunað ðá miclan swá hit ǽr orsorglícor gewunode tó ðǽm lytlum, and him ðá lǽs ondréd tanto in majoribus mens contemnat pertimescere, quanto in minimis didicit non temendo peccare, Past. 437, 30. on-scunian