Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - preóst
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- preóst
- Add: (1) an ecclesiastic of the seventh of the holy orders; the bishop and the priest were of the same order, but the bishop's functions were more extensive, and in this respect he was superior to the priest. Cf. Ll. Th. ii. 348, 20-29 :-- Bisceopes feoh .xi. gylde. Preóstes feoh .ix. gylde. Diácones feoh .vi. gylde, Ll. Th. i. 2, 5. (1 a) a priest who served the church of a particular person, a chaplain :-- On þám ilcan geáre forðférde Ælfsige biscop on Winceastre, and Ælfwine þæs cynges preóst (capellanus regis) féng þǽrtó, Chr. 1032; P. 159, 7. Ic an Alfwolde mínum preóste twǽgra hída, . . . and ic gean Æþælmǽre mínum præóste twǽgra hída, C. D. iii. 272, 35-37. (1 b) where the sacrificial character of the priest's office is brought out, the priest as officiant at the Eucharist :-- Wé lǽrað ꝥ preóst ǽfre ne mæssige búton onufan gehálgodon weófode, Ll. Th. ii. 250, 21. (2) in a more general sense a member of the ecclesiastical profession :-- Nǽnig mæssepreóst óðres mæssepreóstes preóst (clericum) ne wyrde, Ll. Th. ii. 412, 6. Fylgde him (bishop Dalfin) Willfrið his preóst (clericus illius; Wilfrið was not yet a mass-priest siqui sunt clerici extra sacros ordines constituti, 1, 27; Sch. 63, 4. (2 a) in the phrase descriptive of the tonsure :-- Gif mon cierliscne mon tó preóste bescíre unbundenne, mid .xxx. scill. gebéte . . . Gif hé hine gebinde, and þonne tó preóste bescíre, .lx. scill. gebéte, Ll. Th. i. 84, 6-10. (3) where preóst is in contrast with munuc :-- Godes þeówas, biscopas and abbudas, munecas and mynecena, preóstas and nunnan, Ll. Th. i. 304, 26. Seofon preóstlice tíde fram munecum æfter þeáwe preósta (canonicorum) tó wyrþenne synd, Angl. xiii. 426, 867. Hér drǽfde Eádgar cyng þá preóstas (canonicas, v. l.) on Ceastre of Ealdan mynstre, and of Níwan mynstre, and sette hý mid munecan, Chr. 964; P. 116, 1. (4) where preóst is in contrast with sácerd :-- Gehǽldum þám preóste Benedictus cwæð, '. . . Genéð þú nǽfre ꝥ þú gá tó þám hálgan háde, oððe máran underfó þonne þú nú hæfst; sódlíce on swá hwilcum dæge swá þú geþrístlǽcst ꝥ þú underféhst þone hálgan sácerdhád sóna þú bist mid deófles anwealde gehæftniéded.' Ðá gewát se preóst (clericus), Gr. D. 135, 6-17. v. tún-preóst; preóst-líf. preost