
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - reord

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

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f, : es; n. Speech, tongue, language, voice :-- Reord ðín ðæc gecýðeþ loquela tua manifestum to facit, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 26, 73. Reord wæs eorþbúendum án gemǽne 'and the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech,' Cd. Th. 98, 25; Gen. 1635. Reord up ástág voices rose high, Exon. Th. 246, 16; Jul. 62. Æt ealra manna gehwæs múþes reorde from the voice of each man's mouth, Soul Kmbl. 186; Seel. Verc. 93. Herian God háligum reorde, Hy. 3, 58. Heofonríces weard spræc hálgan reorde, Cd. Th. 89, 22; Gen. 1484 : 248, 10; Dan. 511. Wit scíran reorde song áhófan, Exon. Th. 324, 32; Víd. 103. Geác monaþ geómran reorde, 309, 7; Seef. 53. Ðæt him ða swá cúþe wǽron swá his ágene reorde ðe hé on ácenned wæs ut tam notas ac familiares sibi eas (Latin and Greek), quam nativitatis suae loquelam haberet, Bd. 5, 23; S. 645, 17. Stefn in becom under hárne stán . . . hordweard oncneów mannes reorde, Beo. Th. 5103; B. 2555. Hí gehýrdon hlúde reorde, ðínes múþes ða mǽran word, Ps. Th. 137, 5. Hé reorde gesette eorþbúendum ungelíce, Cd. Th. 101, 19; Gen. 1684. Se hálga wer hergende wæs Meotudes miltse, and his módsefan rehte þurh reorde, Exon. Th. 188, 25; Az. 51 : 111, 24; Gú. 131. Ic glidan reorde múþe gemǽne, 406, 23; Rú. 25, 5. Se ðe reorda gehwæs ryne gemiclaþ ðara ðe noman Scyppendes hergan willaþ, 4, 3; Cri. 47. Reordana locutionem, Jn. Skt. p. 7, 10. Hý mislíce mongum reordum wóðe hófun, Exon. Th. 156, 6; Gú. 870. Fugla cynn songe lofiaþ, mǽraþ módigne meaglum reordum, 221, 22; Ph. 338. Hé ús syleþ missenlícu mód, monge reorde, 334, 9; Gn. Ex. 13. [Orm. reord, rerd sound, voice : Ps. rorde sonus : Ayenb. ecko, þet is þe rearde þet ine þe heȝe helles comþ aȝen. and acordeþ to al þet me him zayþ : Goth. razda speech, tongue : O. H. Ger. rarta modulatio : Icel. rödd voice.] v, ge-reord. -reord,reord