
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - riht

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n. I. that which is straight or erect, a plumb line :-- Reht perpendiculo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 81, 26. II. that which is straight in a metaphorical sense, right, law, canon, rule :-- Mennisc riht jus; gecynde riht jus naturale; ánre burge riht jus civile; ealra þeóda riht jus gentium; cempena riht jus militare; ealdormanna riht jus publicum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 49, 5-10. Riht l Godes riht fas, 38, 71. Scipmanna riht rodia lex, i. 20, 50. Reht Rómwala jus Quiritum, Rtl. 189, 13. Ryhtes wyrðe entitled to call in the aid of the law, Chart. Th. 170, 3. Godes rihtes wiðerbreca, Blickl. Homl. 175, 8. Wiþerwearde Godes beboda and ðæs gástlícan rihtes opponents of God's commands and of the spiritual law, 135, 13. Lufige man Godes riht georne, L. Eth. vi. 30; Th. i. 322, 23. Æfter þeáwe árwurðra rihta juxta morem canonum venerabilium, Bd. 4, 5; S. 572, 5. III. what is in accordance with law, human or divine, what is just or proper, right, justice, equity :-- Ðá cwǽdon ealle ða weotan ðæt mon úðe ðære cyrcan rihtes swá swel swá óðerre ... And Eþelwald cwæð ðæt hé ǽlcre circan aa his dǽla rihtes úðe, Chart. Th. 140, 7-16. Hí rihtes ne gýmdon, Andr. Kmbl. 278; An. 139. Gif mon ne mihte hí tó rihte gecyrron, ðæt hí heora wóhdǽda geswícan woldan, Blickl. Homl. 45, 27. Godes lof mid rihte begán, 43, 4. Mid rihte Gode þeówian, 45, 29. Hí mé habbaþ benumen mínes naman ðe ic mid rihte habban sceolde, Bt. 7, 3; Fox 20, 28. On ðínum rihte in aequitate tua, Ps. Th. 142, 11. Filige rihtlíce ðam rihte juste quod justum est persequeris, Deut. 16, 20. Démaþ ǽlcon men riht quod justum est judicate, 1, 16. Gif wé sóþ and riht on úrum lífe dón willaþ, Blickl. Homl. 129, 32. Hé á tó ǽghwylcum sóþ and riht sprecende wæs and dónde, 223, 30. On riht a-right, by rights, according to what is just or proper :-- Healdan Godes ǽwe on riht, 45, 9, 22. Ðære cyrican on riht þeówian, 49, 4. Nis eów forboden ðætte ǽhta habban, gif gé ða on riht strénaþ, 53, 28. Hé férde mid ðám þingum ðe his on riht wǽron quae juris sui erant, Gen. 31, 21. III a. what is just in the case of a criminal, just punishment, justice :-- Dó ðam þeófe his riht, swá hit ǽr Eádmundes cwide wæs, L. Edg. H. 2; Th. i. 258, 9. IV. what properly belongs to a person, what may justly be claimed, a right, due :-- Ðá sóna wæs Eþelwald ðæs wordes, ðæt hé nó ðes rihtes (the right to certain woodland) wiðsacan wolde, Chart. Th. 140, 12. Nelle ic ða rincas rihte benǽman I will not deprive the men of what rightly belongs to them, Cd. Th. 129, 32; Gen. 2152. Hé hafaþ mec bereáfod rihta gehwylces, feohgestreóna, Elen. Kmbl. 1817; El. 910. V. what is due from a person, duty :-- Ðæt biþ ðæs recceres ryht ðæt hé þurh ða stemne his láriówdómes ætiéwe ðæt wuldor ðæs uplícan éðles debitum rectoris est supernae patriae gloriam per vocem predicationis ostendere, Past. 21, 5; Swt. 159, 22. Ús is riht micel ðæt wé rodera weard wordum herigen (cf. nú wé sceolan (debemus) herigean heofonríces weard, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 20), Cd. Th. 1, 1; Gen. 1. VI. what agrees with a proper standard, what is correct or exact, the rights of a case, the truth :-- h and k geendiaþ on a æfter rihte, Ælfc. Gr. 2; Som. 3. 4. Hé ne mæg beón æfter rihte gecweden, búton ðæt andgit beó ǽr foresǽd, 15; Som. 18, 43. Se ðe secgan wile sóþ æfter rihte, Ben. Th. 2103; B. 1049. Ðæt wíf sǽde him eall ðæt riht dixit ei omnem veritatem, Mk. Skt. 5, 33. Ðæt hé be ðære róde riht getǽhte, Elen. Kmbl. 1199; El. 601. Hé fram Sce Pauline ðæt riht (rationem) leornade ðæs hálgan geleáfan, Bd. 2, 9; S. 512, 9. On riht a-right, correctly, properly :-- Ne eart ðú fullfremedlíce ne on riht gefullad non es perfecte baptizatus, 5, 6; S. 620, 6. Gif ic ðíne unrótnesse on riht ongiten hæbbe, Bt. 7, 1; Fox 16, 7. VII. an account, a reckoning; ratio, mostly in such phrases as riht ágildan to render an account :-- Hió ágeofaþ be ðæm reht reddent rationem de eo, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 12, 36: Lk. Skt. Lind. 16, 2. Hé sceal ealra his dóma riht ágyldan beforan ðæm rihtwísan déman on dómesdæge, R. Ben. 16, 7. Hé sceal mid his sáwle ánre Gode riht ágyldan ealles ðæs ðe hé on worlde tó wommum gefremede, Blickl. Homl. 113, 3. Wé sceolan riht ágyldan for ealles úres lífes dǽdum, 63, 31. Reht setta rationem ponere, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 18, 23. Hyra lífes riht, Exon. Th. 84, 18; Cri. 1375. Ǽnige rihte áræfnan ulla ratione tolerare, Bd. 5, 12; S. 631, 30. [O. Sax. reht : O. Frs. riucht : O. H. Ger. reht jus, justitia, judicium, aequitas, rectitudo, ratio : Icel. réttr; m. right, law; due, claim.] and á-riht. riht

Palabras relacionadas: ǽ-, eald-, éðel-, folc-, ge-, land-, leód-, níd-, on-, sundor-, swǽn-, un-, word-, woruld-riht ;
