
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - riht-wís

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Add: I. of persons :-- Wé cweþaþ ꝥ sé bió rihtwís ðe rihtwísnese hæfð justitiae adeptione justi fiunt, Bt. 34, 5; F. 138, 35. For ðon rehtwís Dryhten guoniam justus Dominus, Ps. Srt. 10, 8. Oft se ungeleáffulla wer bið gehǽled þurh ꝥ rihtwíse wíf saluabitur uir infidelis per mulierem fidelem, Chr. 1067; P. 202, 15. Uton beón rihtwíse on úrum móde wiþ óþre men, Bl. H. 95, 28. Hwæt elles getácnað ðæt weóbud búton ryhtwísra (riht-, ) sáula ? quid accipimus altare Dei nisi animam justi?, Past. 217, 23. Se wísdóm gedéþ his lufiendas . . . geþyldige and rihtwíse, Bt. 27, 2; F. 98, 2. I a. absolute :-- Ðæt ne áðennen rehtwíse (justi) tó unrehtwísnesse hond hara, Ps. Srt. 124, 3. Hú hé ꝥ ríce mihte on rihtwísra anwald gebringan, Bt. 1; F. 2, 20. Ná forlǽteð gyrd synfulra ofer hlýt rihtwísra (iustorum), Ps. Rdr. 124, 3. Cneóres rihtwísra (rectorum), Ps. Rdr. 111, 2. Ryhtwíse rectos, Ps. Vos. 32, 1. I b. absolute with pronoun, the righteous (man or men) :-- Þonne gefalleð se ryhtwísa (iustus) ne bið gedréfed . . . ic ne geseh þone ryhtwísan forlǽtenne, Ps. Vos. 36, 24-25: 5, 13. Tócnáwan þone rihtwísan and þone unrihtwísan, Solil. H. 52, 1. Þá rihtwísan sint láþe and forþrycte, Bt. 3, 4; F. 6, 23. Þá rihtwísan farað on ǽce líf ibunt iusti in vitam aeternam, Solil. H. 62, 1: Mt. 25, 46. Þú eart án þára rihtwísena, Bt. 5, 1; S. 11, 17: 23. Ðá unrihtwísan tǽlað þá rihtwísan justus lulit crimen iniqui, 4; F. 8, 16. II. of things :-- Rihtwísum dóme justo judicio, An. Ox. 2718. Mid rihtwísere tódáles heolere justa discretionis lance, 1755. Se Godes man sceal beón fulfremed on rihtwísum weorcum, Bl. H. 73, 16. riht-wis

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