Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - tela
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
teala, teola, telo, tiolo;
- tela
- ad I. well, rightly, aright, correctly :-- Hé hine sceal níde tela lǽran. Ðý him is micel ðearf ðonne hé tela lǽrþ ðæt hé eác tela doo dum commissis sibi cogitur bona dicere, ipsum prius necesse est, quae dixerit, custodire, Past. 28, 3; Swt. 193, 12. Teala, Blickl. Homl. 75, 14. Ða sláwan sint tó manianne ðæt hié ne forielden ðone tíman for hiera slǽwðe ðe hié tela (tiola, Hatt. MS.) on dón mǽgen pigri suadendi sunt ne agenda bona, dum differunt, amittant, Past. 39, 1; Swt. 280, 20. Gif hí ðone frýdóm tela gehealdon ... gif hí ðone frýdóm forheólden, Bt. 41, 3; Fox 208, 10. Hé ríce geheóld tela, Beo. Th. 4423; B. 2208: 5468; B. 2737. Teala, Cd. Th. 74, 35; Gen. 1232. Lǽst eall tela, Beo. Th. 5320; B. 2663. Nú ic wát tela and ic onféng gewit mínes módes modo sanum sapio, recepi enim sensum animi mei, Bd. 3, 11; S. 536, 33. 'Geseoh ðæt ðú teals wite.' Cwæþ hé: 'Ne wéde ic' 'vide ut sanum sapias.' 'Non,' inquit,'insanio,' 5, 13; S. 632, 32. Ðæt ic teala cunne ðín weorc healdan, Ps. Th. 118, 68: Exon. Th. 336, 10; Gn. Ex. 46. Is wuldres leóht ontýned ðam ðe teala þenceþ, Cd. Th. 299, 29; Sat. 557: Exon. Th. 347, 30; Sch. 20. Gif gé teala hycgaþ, Andr. Kembl. 3223; An. 1614. Beó nú on yfele, noldæs ǽr teala, Cd. Th. 310, 26; Sat. 733. Teala foresecgan, Ps. Th. 118, 172. Tela, Exon. Th. 432, 19; Rä. 49, 2. II. well, perfectly, completely, thoroughly, certainly :-- Heald forð tela sibbe continue without interruption to maintain peace, Beo. Th. 1901; B. 948. Wudufuglas tela átemede, Met. 13, 36. Ic ðé teala forgulde ealle ða gehát, Ps. Th. 65, 13. Ðǽr ðú mé teala hǽle, 70, 2. Se ðe teala cúþe, Exon. Th. 349, 9; Sch. 43. Ic his bídan ne dear ... nele ðæt rǽd teale I dare not await him ... good counsel certainly will not require that, 397, 8; Rä. 16, 16. III. well, prosperously, happily :-- Geþeóh tela, Beo. Th. 2441; B. 1218. Ðú hulpe mín ðæt is teala mihte, Ps. Th. 70, 20. Hé hét ðæt teala wunian éce, 77, 68. Æfter ðæm Cartainenses wunnon on. Sicilie ðǽr him seldon teola gespeów cum adsidua nec umquam satis prospera adversus Siculos bella gererent, Ors. 4, 5; Swt. 168, 20. IV. well, in a beneficial or pleasant manner :-- Wé wǽron hér tela willum bewenede, Beo. Th. 3645; B. 1820. Ontýn ðínne múð, and ic hine teala fylle, Ps. Th. 80, 11: 105, 5. Gif wé willaþ óþrum geleáffullum teala dón and helpan ðæs earman, Blickl. Homl. 75, 18: 69, 17. Tala, Lk. Skt. 6, 27. V. marking degree, very, to a great extent :-- Ic þigde tela micelne mete, Nar. 30, 25. Drincan tela micel, Lchdm. ii. 290, 12. Tela micel steáp, 294, 19. Teala, i. 374, 9. Teala líciendlíc, Ps. Th. 68, 13. Teala wynsume, 125, 2. Ðá wæs tiolo micel spréc, Chart. Th. 70, 17. Ic ðé an tela sincgestreóna I give thee treasures in abundance, Beo. Th. 2455; B. 1225. VI. as an exclamation, well, good :-- Ðá andswaredon hí: 'Nis hit lang tó ðon.' Cwæþ hé: 'Tela, utan wé ðære tíde bídan,' Bd. 4, 24; S. 599, 5. Cwæþ ic: 'Hwí ne sceolde mé swá ðincan?' Ðá cwæþ hé: 'Telo; ðonne ðæt ðé swá þincþ, ðonne ongit ðæt..., Bt. 38, 3; Fox 200, 22. v. un-tela; til; and cf. wel for similar uses. tela