
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - þan

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adv. I. then, from that time, after that :-- Wæs wyrd ungemete neáh ... nó þon lange wæs feorh æþelinges flǽsce bewunden, Beo. Th. 4838; B. 2423. [Goth. þan : O. Sax. O. Frs. O. L. Ger. þan.] II. so, as :-- Wiþ ðæs ic wát ðú wilt higian þon ǽr þe ðú hine ongitest towards it I know thou wilt hasten as soon as thou perceivest it, Bt. 11, 2; Fox 34, 8. [Cf. O. Sax. than lango the hé mósta is juguði neotan, Hél. 3498.] III. with comparatives, in negative sentences. (a) with adjectives, (α) followed by ðonne or ðe, any :-- Gif hió bearn gestriéne, næbbe ðæt ðæs ierfes þon (þe, MS. H.) máre þe sió módor if she have a child, it shall not have any more of the property than the mother, L. Alf. pol. 8; Th. i. 66, 20. On óðrum ærne ðæt næbbe þon má dura ðonne sió cirice, 5; Th. i. 64, 15. Ne eart ðú þon leófre, ðonne se swearta hrefn thou art not any more dear, than the black raven, Exon. Th. 370, 4; Seel. 52. Nǽfre hlísan áh meotud þan máran þonne hé wið monna bearn wyrceþ weldǽdum, 191, 10; Az. 86. Hé ne úþe ðæt ǽnig óþer man ǽfre mǽrða þon má gehédde, ðonne hé sylfa, Beo. Th. 1012; B. 504. (α 1) where þon is preceded by wihte, any at all :-- Ne mót hé ðara hyrsta lǽdan of ðisse worulde wuhte þon máre ðonne hé hider bróhte (cf. ne lǽt hé his nánwuht of ðís middanearde mid him máre ðonne hé bróhte hider, Bt. 26, 3; Fox 94, 15-17), Met. 14, 10. (β) where the comparative takes the dative after it :-- Hé ðám ðe on sceare máran wǽron on ðám mægnum eáþmódnesse and hýrsumnesse nóhte ðon læssa wæs in respect to the virtues of humility and obedience he was not any less than those who were greater in the matter of the tonsure, Bd. 5, 19; S. 637, 18. (γ) where neither particle nor case follows the comparative :-- Næs ðá wordlatu wihte þon máre þæt se stán tógán then was there not any more delay at all in obeying the command, so that the stone split open, Andr. Kmbl. 3043; An. 1524. Náhte ic ðínre nǽfre miltse þon máran þearfe never had I any greater need of thy mercy (than I now have), Judth. Thw. 22, 35; Jud. 92. (b) with adverbs, (α) followed by ðe :-- Hé nát hwæt him tóweard biþ, þon má þe ðú wistest he knows not what will happen to him any more than thou knowest, Bt. 11, 1; Fox 32, 14. Wé his ne gefrédaþ, þon má ðe mon his feax mæg gefrédan bútan his felle, Past. 18; Swt. 139, 20. Him ðæt nó ne derede, ðon má ðe ceald wæter, Shrn. 83, 17 : Exon. Th. 364, 33; Wal. 80. (β) without ðe :-- Ic ða word gehýrde and nóht ðon ǽr ðære ærninge blon ego audiens, nihilominus coeptis institi vetitis, Bd. 5, 6; S. 619, 15. Hé georne wiðsóc Iósepes húse ne þon ǽr geceás Effremes cynn he utterly refused the house of Joseph, nor any more readily did he choose the race of Ephraim, Ps. Th. 77, 67. Ǽfre ic ne hýrde þon cymlícor ceól gehladenne I have not ever heard of a vessel any more fairly laden, Andr. Kmbl. 721; An. 361. Ðá ne wolde se pápa ðæt geþafigean ne ða burhware ðon má etsi pontifex concedere voluit, non tamen cives Romani potuere permittere, Bd. 2, 1; S. 501, 33. Ne bewerede Penda ðon má gif hwylce men woldan Godes word lǽron ðæt hí ne móstan nec prohibuit Penda, quin etiam verbum, si qui vellent audire, praedicaretur, 3, 21; S. 551, 23. Ne ðon má se ðe gehát gehǽt, ne wéne hé ðæt hé sié á ðý neár hefonríce, gif hé hine from went ðæm gehátum nor any more let him that vows a vow suppose that he be ever the nearer heaven, if he turns from those vows, Past. 51; Swt. 403, 2. Ne biþ sond þon má wið micelne rén húses hirde nor any more is the sand a guard for a house against much rain, Met. 7, 20 : 8, 23 : 11, 69. Bútan ðú úsic þon ófostlícor hreddan wille if you do not save us any quicker, Exon. Th. 17, 18; Cri. 272. (β 1) where áwiht or wuhte precedes þon, any at all :-- Ðǽr nǽnegu biþ niht on sumera, ne wuhte þon má on wintra dæg tóteled tídum, Met. 16, 14 : 20, 108. Áwiht þon má, Ps. Th. 63, 7. [O. Sax. ni . . . than mér the not ... any more than. Cf. Goth. ni ... þana mais : O. H. Ger. dana mér.] þan