
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - þeccan

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

p. þeahte, þehte; pp. þeaht To cover, (1) to cover an object with something :-- Ic wreó mé, leáfum þecce, Cd. Th. 53, 29; Gen. 868. Ðú ðín sylf þecest líc mid leáfum, 54, 15; Gen. 877. Se ðe heofen þeceþ wolcnum qui operit coelum nubibus, Ps. Th. 146, 8. Mec (a horn) þeceþ mon golde and sylfore, Exon. Th. 395, 2; Rä. 15, 1. Hé þeahte bearn middangeardes wonnan wǽge, Cd. Th. 83, 10; Gen. 1377. Git eágorstreám earmum þehton, Beo. Th. 1031; B. 513. Saga hwá mec þecce, Exon. Th. 381, 21; Rä. 2, 14. Mec ongon hold gewédum þeccan, 391, 13; Rä. 10, 4. Hine mid hrægle wryón and sceome þeccan, Cd. Th. 95, 3; Gen. 1573: 58, 7; Gen. 942. Wæstmum þeaht, 115, 20; Gen. 1922. Hleówfeðrum þeaht, 165, 31; Gen. 2740. Ýþum þeaht, Exon. Th. 392, 7; Rä. 11, 4. Helmum þeahte, Cd. Th. 120, 3; Gen. 1989. (2) to serve as covering to an object. Earn ðeceþ (tegit) nest his, Ps. Surt. ii. p. 192, 31. Mec hrím þeceþ, Exon. Th. 490, 11; Rä. 79, 9. Forst and snáw eorþan þeccaþ, 215, 7; Ph. 249. Ic gealgan þehte I was stretched upon the cross, Andr. Kmbl. 1932; An. 968: Apstls. Kmbl. 44; Ap. 22. Ealne middangeard mereflód þeahte, Exon. Th. 200, 18; Ph. 42: Cd. Th. 8, 1; Gen. 117. Líca gehwilc ðara ðe lífes gást þeahte every body that had within it a living spirit, 77, 28; Gen. 1282. On hwelcum hí (Weland's bones) hlǽwa hrúsan þeccen, Met. 10, 43. Sió filmen biþ þeccende and wreóde ða wambe, Lchdm. ii. 242, 17. ¶ In the following passages Grein suggests that the form is quite a different word = comburere, and Cosijn (P. B. 8, 574) takes it to be connected with þicgan (but see, þecgan); but, perhaps, the verb may be the same here as in the previous instances, and used with much the same force as wrap in such a phrase as wrapt in flames :-- Byrneþ þurh fýres feng fugel (the phenix) mid neste ... þonne brond þeceþ heoredreórges hús, Exon. Th. 212, 27; Ph. 216. Hine ád þeceþ, 223, 26; Ph. 365. Seó hyre bearn gesihþ brondas þeccan, 330, 7; Vy. 47. Beágas sceal brond fretan, ǽled þeccean, Beo. Th. 6022; B. 3015. [To dyche and to thecche, Piers P. 19, 232. O. L. Ger. thekkan: O. Frs. thekka: O. H. Ger. decchen tegere, operire, velare: Icel. þekja to cover.]

Palabras relacionadas: be-, (bi-), ge-, ofer-, un-þeccan; þeccend; þacian. þeccan
