
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - þeód-scipe

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

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m. I. teaching, instruction :-- Ðeódscipe ðín hé mé lǽrde disciplina tua ipsa me docebit, Ps. Surt. 17, 36. I a. instruction, being taught :-- Ðú fiódes ðeódscipe and ðú áwurpe word mín efter ðé odisti disciplinam et projecisti sermones meos post te, Ps. Surt. 40, 17. I b. testimony :-- Forebodan bið ðis godspell in ðeódscip l cýðnise (in testimonium) allum cynnum, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 24, 14. II. what is taught or enjoined, a rule, regulation, law, injunction :-- Ðú him ǽrest ne sealdest, æfter ðam apostolícan ðeódscipe, meolc drincan, Bd. 3, 5; S. 527, 33. II a. a collection of regulations, law, religion :-- Swá swá bí ðan ealdan ðeódscipe ða úttran weorc wǽron behealden, swá on ðam níwan ðeódscype ... sicut in Testamento (veteri exteriora opera observantur, ita in Testamento nova..., 1, 27; S. 494, 30. Ealle ða þing ðe hálige men writon on ealdum oþþe on neówum þeódscipe, Blickl. Homl. 133, 2. .vii. gebróðor geþrowedon deáþ for ðære ealdan ǽ bebode ... Ðá cwæþ se cniht (the seventh brother): 'Ic sylle mínne líchoman for ússa fædera ðeódscipe, swá míne bróþor dydon,' Shrn. 111, 20. Ic geseah manige góde and on Godes þeódscipe wel heora líf lǽddon alios fuisse narrabat verae religions cultores, Guthl. 17; Gdwin. 70, 24. Ðú hine þeódscipe dínne lǽrest de lege tua docueris eum, Ps. Th. 93, 12. III. discipline, a disciplinary regulation :-- On strengo þeódscipes and þreá tó wlæc in disciplinae vigore tepidus, Bd. 1, 27; S. 492, 18. Ǽfæstnia untrymnisse hire mægne ðeátscip[es] muniat infirmitatem suam robore discipline, Rtl. 110, 3. On reogollícne ðeódscipe observatione disciplinae regularis, Bd. 3, 3; S. 526, 9. Hé micele gýminge hæfde mynsterlícra ðeódscipa curam non modicam monasticis exhibebat disciplinis, 3,19; S. 547, 28. Reogollícum ðeódscipum underþeóded regularibus disciplinis subditus, 4, 24; S. 598, 21: 3, 19; S. 547, 20. In cyriclícum ðeódscipum and in mynsterlícum heálíce intimbred ecclesiasticis ac monasterialibus disciplinis summe instructus, 5, 8; S. 621, 34. Þætte ús fæstern giðii ðóhto úsra heofonlícum gilǽr ðeódscipum ut nobis jejunium proficiat, mentes nostras coelestibus instrue disciplinis, Rtl. 14, 28. On mynstrum hé leornade gástlíce ðeódscipas, Shrn. 50, 26. IV. (regular) custom, (proper) mode of conduct :-- Béte ðara ǽghwelc mid ryhte þeódscipe ge mid were ge mid wíte let him make amends for each in the regular way both with wer and with wíte, L. Alf. pol. 2; Th. i. 62, 4. Wæs Godes lof hafen þrymme micle óþ ðisne dæg mid þeódscipe (with proper observance? or among the people? v. þeódscipe a people), Exon. Th. 284, 10; Jul. 695. Hé wolde habban ða ðénunga ðeáwas and ðeódscipe tó lǽranne, Past. 17; Swt. 121, 18. Ða men, ðe bearn habban, lǽran hié ðám rihtne þeódscipe, and him tǽcean lífes weg and rihtne gang tó heófonum, Blickl. Homl. 109, 17. Fæderas ic lǽrde, ðæt hié heora bearnum þone þeódscipe lǽrdon Drihtnes egsan (fathers, bring up your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, Eph. 6, 4), 185, 19. V. learning, knowledge, understanding :-- Nis in him ðiódscipe non est in eis disciplina; neither is there any understanding in them (Deut. 32, 28), Ps. Surt. ii. p. 194, 41. Nis nú fela folca ðætte fyrngewritu healdan wille, ac him hyge brosnaþ, ídlaþ þeódscype (or under IV?), Exon. Th. 304, 13; Fä. 69. Hé wæs on godcundlícan þeódscipe getýd and gelǽred (sacris litteris et monasticis disciplinis erudiebatur) ... Hé wæs twá geár on ðære leornunge, ðá hæfde hé his sealmas geleornode, Guthl. 2; Gdwin. 18, 11, Ðú mé þeódscipe lǽr dínne tilne and wísdómes word bonitatem et disciplinam et scientiam doce me, Ps. Th. 118, 66. Hé forget hine selfne and ða láre and ðone ðiódscipe ðe hé geliornode, Past. 50; Swt. 393, 17. Heó héht gefetigean forðsnotterne, and his láre geceás ðurh þeódscipe (on account of his learning? or with a view to learning? the Latin has: convocans virum disciplinatum), Elen. Kmbl. 2331; El. 1167. þeod-scipe

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