Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - tó-dǽlan
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- tó-dǽlan
- p. de To divide, separate, distribute. I. in the following glosses :-- Ic tódǽle infindo, Engl. Stud. xi. 66, 49 : disclado, Wrt. Voc. i. 39, 31. Ic tódǽle dispono, ii. 141, 45. Tódǽla findere, 37, 33. Tó-dǽíende discrepanles, 25, 60: dirimentes, 28, 52: diremtas, 28, 31: 27, 48. Tódǽled is dispertitus est, 26, 35 : 73, 26. Sient tódǽlede dirim-untw, 28, 53. Tódǽlede discretas, 28, 33. Tódǽldum dilotis, 25, 49. Tódaeldurn, 106, 36. Tóscirid RUNE tódǽled summotwm. Hpt. Gl. 528, 12. II. to divide a whole into . parts, (l) trans. :-- Hé tódǽleþ hyne he shall cut him asunder (A. V.) ; dividet eum, Mt. Kmbl. 24, 51. Ðonne tódǽlaþ hí his feoh on fíf oððe syx. Ors. I; Swt. 20, 27. Ðone ánne noman (woruld) ðú tódǽldest on feówer gesceafta, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 28. Hé Reádne Sǽ tódǽlde qui divisit Mare Rubrum in divisiones. Ps. Th. 135, 13. Hié heora here on tú tódǽldon agmine diviso in duas partes, Ors. 10 ; Swt. 46, 16. Stánas bióþ earfoþe tó tðdǽlenne, Bt. 34, II; Fox 150, 24. On twá tedǽled ys intinga to syngienne bipertita est causa peccandi, Scint. 140, 13. Tódǽldn wæteru divisas aquas, Past. 53 ; Swt. 413. 27. (2) intrans. :-- Hér tódǽlde se foresprecena here on tú, Chr. 885 ; Erl. 82, 19. ¶ figuratively, to destroy unity, make dissension in. to divide a whole by assigning the limits of the different parts :-- losue ðone eard gewann and ealne tódǽlde, Ælfc. T. Grn. 6, 8. Philippus and Herodes tódǽldun Lysiam, and ludeám feówrícum tódǽldun. Chr. 12 ; Erl. 6, 4. Ðá wearþ ðæt ríce tódǽled on .v., 887 ; Erl. 86, 1: 709 ; Erl. 42, 29. II b. to divide one number by another :-- Tó-dǽl ða twelf þurh fíf, Anglia viii. 328, 21: 304, 40. III. to divide one thing from another, part, separate, (a) trans. :-- Ðonne se líchama and seó sáwul hí tódǽleþ. Guthl. 20; Gdwin. 84, 13. Ðonne se earma líchama and seó wérige sáwul hí tótwǽmaþ and tódǽlaþ. Wulfst. 151, ll. On-gunnon ðæt monnes mágas hycgan, ðæt hý tó;dǽlden unc, Exon. Th. 442, 14; Kl. 12. Hí ne mágon beón tógædere genemnede, ac hí ne beóþ nǽfre tódǽlede, Homl. Th. ii. 204, 28. (b) intrans. : -- Swá tódǽleþ se líchoma and seó sáwul, Wulfst. 149, 8. Nǽfre leófe ne tódǽlaþ ne láðe ne gemétaþ, 190, 2. IV. to scatter, disperse :-- Drihten hig tódǽlde of ðære stówe geond ealle eorðan the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth (A. V.), Gen. ii. 8. Hé tódǽlde ofermódan dispersit superbos, Lk. Skt. I. 51. Tódael hie dispertire eos, Ps. Surt. 16, 14. Tódǽlan heora geðeóde geond ðás woruld wíde, Ps. Th. 54, 8. Ealle his geféran ðurh óþre stówe tódǽlede wǽron omnes socii per alia essent loca dispersi, Bd. 3, 27: S. 558, 37 : Gen. 10, 32. Wǽron tódǽlede dispargerentur. Hpt. Gl. 518, 2. V. to destroy :-- Ealle dú his weallas wíde tódǽldest destruxisti omnes macerias ejus. Ps. Th. 88, 33. Ne tódéldun (hí) ðeóde nou disperdiderunt gentes, Ps. Surt. log, 34. VI. to distribute, give away parts of a whole, v. tó-dál, VI :-- Ic tódǽle (do, Lk. 19, 8,) healfne dǽl mínra góda ðearfum, Homl. Th. i. 582, 2. Hé tódǽlþ his gife mannum, ii. 204, 10. Hé toclǽlþ his herereaf spolia ejus distribuit. Lk. Skt. ll, 22. Sume ealle hyra bearfum Godes todǽlaþ quidam omnia sua pauperibus Dei dislribuunt, Scint. 58, 12. Tódǽlan werum tó wiste fǽges flǽschoman, Andr. Kmbl. 303 ; An. 152. Tódélendes distribuentis (dona), Kent. Gl. 673. Hí wǽron tódǽlende heora weoruldgód syndrigum mannum, Bd. 1, 27; S. 489, 19. VII. to divide into shares, to share :-- Sió sunne and se móna habbaþ tó-dæled butwuht him ðone dæg and ða niht swíþe emne, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 234, 5. VIII. to divide, distinguish, separate, make a difference between :-- Hú wundorlíce Drihten tódǽlde ðæt Egiptisce folc and ðæt Israhélisce folc, Ex. 11, 7- Beó nú leóht on ðære heofenan fæstnysse and tódǽlon dæg and nihte, Gen. l, 14. Hit hafaþ hát baþo ǽlcere yldo and háde ðurh tódǽlede stówe gescrǽpe (per distincta loca accommodos). Bd. I. I; S. . 473, 22. IX. to be different, be distinguished from. v. tó-dál, V :-- Sacerd náht tóclǽlþ fram folce sacerdos nihil distal a populo, Scint. 123, 19. Swá micelum swá tódǽlan gewunaþ líf hyrdes fram hyrde quantum dktare solet uita pastoris a grege, 120, 17. X. to separate with the mind, discern, discriminate, distinguish, v. tó-dál, IX :-- Gif geþanc yfel frim gódum angytes mid gesceáde todǽlþ si mens mala abonis intellectus ratione discernit, Scint. 141,7. In góman ðǽr mon óone smæc tðdǽleþ in palalo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 48, 4. Nú tódǽlde Petrus swutelíce ðone sóðan geleáfan ðá ðá hé cwæð: ' Ðú eart ðæs lifigendan Godes sunu, ' Homl. Th. i. 366, 31. Ðæt hig cunnon fægere tódǽlan hwæt byþ betwux ab animali ad animale and ab inanimate ad inanimate, Anglia viii. 313, 35. Tódǽled discrelus, Scint. 123, I. XI. to give forth, utter (?) :-- Ealle ða gehát ðe ic ǽfre hér mid mínum welerim. tódǽlde (cf. mín gehát ðæt míne weleras ǽr gedǽldan, v. 12, where Ps. Spl. and Ps. Surt. have tódǽldon and the Latin is vota quae disfinxernut labia mea), Ps. Th. 65, 13. [O. Sax. te-délian: O. Frs. tó-déla: O. H. Ger. zeteilen dividers, distribuere, dispertire, separare, spargers, scindere, distare: Ger. zer-theilen : cf. Goth. dis-dailjan.] to-dælan