
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - tó-samne

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ad I. with verbs of motion, where meeting takes place, (1) without hostility:--Ðá cóman ðǽr tósamne unárímedlíco mengeo, Blickl. Homl. 191, 9. Ǽr hí tósomne becómun antequam convenirent, Mt. Kmbl. 1, 18. Héht tósomne ða heó séleste wiste tó ðære hálgan byrig cumin, Elen. Kmbl. 2401; El. 1202. (2) with hostility:--Raðe ðæs ðe hié tósomne cómon commisso praelio, Ors. 4, 11; Swt. 208, 11. Fóron tósomne wráðe wælherigas, Cd. Th. 119, 19; Gen. 1982. II. with verbs implying collecting, assembling:--Beóþ ealle sǽfixas gegaderod tósomne omnes pisces maris in unum congregabuntur, Num. 11, 22. Hí tósomne eall werod clypedon conuocant totam cohortem, Mk. Skt. 15, 16. Leóde tósomne bannan, Andr. Kmbl. 2188; An. 1095. Hét ðá tósomne síne leóde, Cd. Th. 245, 26; Dan. 469. III. with verbs denoting joining, touching, mixing:--Tósomne gerǽt congelaverat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 37. Tósomne cnyllaþ conliserint, 134, 66. Se wyrm gebeáh snúde tósomne, Beo. Th. 5129; B. 2568. Ða stánas bióþ earfoþe tó tódǽlenne and eác uneáþe tósomne cumaþ, Bt. 34, 11; Fox 150, 25. Hié him geblendon tósomne drync unheórne, Andr. Kmbl. 66; An. 33: Exon. Th. 88, 11; Cri. 1438. IV. of action, in concert, at the same time:--Ðá burston ða seofon weallas ealle tósomne, Homl. Th. ii. 212, 31. Eall þreó nimeþ fýres wælm tósomne, Exon. Th. 60, 8; Cri. 966. Englas hlýdaþ tósomne, 55, 14; Cri. 883: Hy. 3, 16. Ðǽr geláðe leng ne mihton geseón tósomne the foes could not longer see one another, Cd. Th. 190, 30; Exod. 207. V. of uninterrupted time:--Moyses fæste feówertig daga and feówertig nihta tósamne, Homl. Th. ii. 100, 3. Tósomne, 198, 13. Hé fæste hwílum twégen dagas, hwílum þrý tósomne, Shrn. 52, 20. Hit ágan rínan .xl. daga and .xl. nihta tósomne, Wulfst. 216, 33. [Heo ferden tosomne, Laym. 1393. Tosumne (togadere, 2nd MS.), 61. O. Frs. tó-samene: O. Sax. te-samne: O. H. Ger. zi-samane: Ger. zu-sammen.] to-samne

Palabras relacionadas: Together.
