
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - tó-sleán

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

p. -sloh, pl. -slógon ; pp. -slegen To strike to pieces, knock to bits :-- Tóslóg, tislóg concidit, Txts. 51, 516. Tóslóh, forheów concidit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 136, 16. (1) of material objects, (a) to demolish, knock down a building :-- þunor tóslóg heora hiéhstan godes hús aedes salutis ictu fulminis disfoluta est, Ors. 4, 2 ; Swt. 160, 18 : 6, 14; Swt. 268, 29. Swíðlíc wind toslóh ðæt hus æt ðam feówer hwemmum a strong wind broke down the house at the four corners, Homl. Th. ii. 450, 18. Ða hǽþenan weras tóslógon his glæsenne calic ; ðá gesomnode se bisceoþ ða brocu. Shrn. 114, 25. (b) to divide in two by a blow or stroke :-- Hé to-slóh sǽinterrupit mare. Ps. Lamb. 77, 13. Gif hit (an egg) ne tócíne, tósleah hwón if it will not crack, break it slightly with a blow, Lchdm. iii. 18, 2. (2) of abstract objects, to drive away thoughts :-- Ða yflan gebohtas ðe him on mod becumaþ hé sceal sóna on Criste tósleán . . . Ðonne hé hié tóslyhþ on Criste ðonne hé geðenceþ Cristes þrowunge and his wundra and mid ðǽm geþohtum áflýmeþ ða yfelan geþohtas cogitati-ones malas cordi suo aduenientes mox ad Christum allidere, R. Ben. 18, 2-6. [O. Frs. tó-slá: O. Sax. te-slahan: O. H. Ger. zi-slahan: Ger. zer-schlagen.]

Palabras relacionadas: un-tóslegen. to-slean
