
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - trem

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a step :-- Ic ðæt geháte ðæt ic heonon nelle fleón fótes trym I vow that I will not flee hence one footstep (cf. ðæt he nolde fleógan fótmǽl landes, 139, 57; By. 275), Byrht. Th. 138, 68; By. 247. Fótes trem, Beo. Th. 5044; B. 2525. The form is probably to be recognized in a gloss given Anglia viii. 33, 163 note, ægne trem rendering pede-temtim, for which perhaps fægre, tremmǽlum might be read. Cf. Hpt. Gl. 477, 78, where the gloss for the same passage is fægre; fægre oððe fótmǽlum gradatim. Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 47; fótmélum pedetemptim, Txts. 90, 834; siæpnǽlum gradatim. Hpt Gl. 497, 54. Cf. also: Ðonne wiðtremð hé and onhupaþ gressum post terga revocet, Past. 58; Swt. 441, 27. trem