Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - tweó
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
- tweó
- gen. tweón, twýn; m. I. doubt, uncertainty:--Ðonne ðǽr án tweó of ádón biþ, ðonne biþ ðǽr unrím ástyred una dubitatione succisa innumerabiles aliae succrescant, Bt. 39, 4; Fox 216, 18. 'Sum tweó mé hæfþ swíþe gedréfed.' Ðá cwæþ hé: 'Hwæt is se?' 'difficiliori ambiguitate confundor.' 'Quaenam,' inquit 'ista est?' 41, 2; Fox 244, 14. Ðú mé hæfst árétne on ðam tweón ðe ic ǽr on wæs be ðam freódóme, Fox 246, 12. Wé habbaþ litellne gearowitan búton tweón, 41, 6; Fox 254, 10. Ðonne secge ic eów búton ǽlcum tweón, 16, 1; Fox 50, 27. Ðæt hé ðæt on gehðu gesprǽce and tweón, Elen. Kmbl. 1332; El. 668. Tó tweón weorðan to become doubtful, Exon. Th. 310, 4; Seef. 69. Bútan tweón without doubt, undoubtedly, doubtless, certainly; sine dubio, Bd. 1, 7; S. 478, 7: 1, 25; S. 486, 26. Hwæðer wǽre twégra bútan tweón strengra, Salm. Kmbl. 854; Sal. 426. Búton ǽlcum tweón beyond all question, Bt. 22, 2; Fox 78, 11: 21; Fox 72, 28: Met. 11, 1. Búton twýn, R. Ben. Interl. 17, 4: Homl. i. 190, 18. Búta tuá utique, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 9, 18. Ic wát ðæt hine wile tweógan . . . Ne mæg se cyning ðæne tweón eáðe gebétan? Wulfst. 3, 12. Ðǽr seó wíse on tweón cyme ubi res perveniret in dubium, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 21. I a. where the subject of doubt is in the genitive:--Nis ðæs nán tweó, ðæt . . . of this there is no doubt, that . . ., Past. 6; Swt. 47, 10: Bt. 16, 3; Fox 54, 20. Nis ðæs nán twý (tweó, Cott. MS.), ðæt . . ., 40, 1; Fox 234, 36. Ðám englum nis nán tweó nánes ðæra ðinga ðe hí witon, 41, 5; Fox 254, 10. Ðæt hit heofoncyninges tácen wǽre, and ðæs tweó nǽre, Elen. Kmbl. 342; El. 171. Ðæt nǽre nǽnig manna ðæt mihte ðæra twégra tweón (the doubt about the two, cf. 854; Sal. 426, given above) áspyrian, Salm. Kmbl. 870; Sal. 434. I b. where the subject of doubt is expressed by a clause:--Nis nán tweó, ðæt ðæs and-wearda wela ámerþ ða men, Bt. 32, 1; Fox 114, 2. Hit is nán tweó, ðæt . . . , 36, 3; Fox 178, 4. Nis nán tweó ðæt hé forgifnesse syllan nelle ðam ðe hié geearnian willaþ there is no doubt about his not being ready to grant forgiveness to those that are ready to deserve it, Blickl. Homl. 65, 8. Him tweó þúhte, ðæt hé Gode wolde geongra weorðan, Cd. Th. 18, 21; Gen. 276. Ðæt hálige gewrit, ðæt mé nis tweó ðæt ðú geara canst sacra scriptura, quam te bene nosse dubium non est, Bd. 1, 27; S. 489, 2: 4, 7; S. 575, 13. Him wæs on móde mycel tweó, hwæt hié be ðære dorstan dón, Blickl. Homl. 205, 10. Ná twý ys, ðæt . . . non dubium est, quod . . ., Scint. 48, 10. Mid ðý sumum monnum com on tweón hwæðer hit swá wǽre cum hoc an ita esset quibusdam venisset in dubium, Bd. 4, 19; S. 587, 26. II. hesitation, delay:--Búta tuiá ðú onfindes sine mora reperies, Mt. Kmbl. p. 4, 4. III. a doubtful state of things, state of indecision:--On ðæm tweón ðe hié swá ungeorne his willan fulleodon ðá becom him Antigonus mid firde on in this state of indecision, in which they carried out his will so reluctantly, Antigonus fell upon them with an army; qui fastidiose ducem in disponendo bello audientes ab Antigono victi sunt, Ors. 3, 11; Swt. 146, 24. [O. Sax. tweho: O. H. Ger. zweho dubium, ambiguitas.] doubt. tweo-,tweo