
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - wearg

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

werg, werig, wyrig;

adj. Evil, vile, malignant, accursed, (1) of human beings :-- Sum sceal on galgan rídan ... bið him werig noma, Exon. Th. 329, 31; Vy. 42. Ðú (the body) werga (weriga, Soul Kmbl. 43), 368, 15; Seel. 22. Ðú woldest brúcan ungemetlícre wrǽnnesse. Ac ðé willaþ ðonne forseón Godes þeówas, for ðám ðe ðín werige flǽsc hafaþ ðín anweald ... Hú mæg mon earmlícor gebǽron, ðonne mon hine underþeóde his weregan flǽsce voluptariam vitam degas. Sed quis non spernat vilissimae fragilissimaeque rei, corporis, servum? Bt. 32, 1; Fox 114, 20-24: Met. 26, 14. Bearn Godes brýda on Caines cynne sécan, wergum folce, Cd. Th. 75, 34; Gen. 1250. Gé dyslíce dǽd gefremedon, werge wræcmæcgas, Elen. Kmbl. 773; El. 387. Werige, Andr. Kmbl. 1229; An. 615. Fealleþ ðé onda wynstran wergra þúsend, Ps. Th. 90, 7. Ðú mé áweredest wyrigra gemótes protexisti me a conventu malignantium, 63, 2. Werigra, Cd. Th. 232, 30; Dan. 268. Werigum wróhtsmiðum, Andr. Kmbl. 171; An. 86. Hé geládde wærge weorod adducto maligno exercitu, Bd. 4, 12; S. 580, 40. (2) of evil spirits :-- Ðú (the serpent) scealt werg ðínum breóstum bearm tredan brád[r]e eorðan, Cd. Th. 56, 3; Gen. 906. Se werga gǽst, Exon. Th. 129, 16; Gú. 422. Se werga, 268, 8; Jul. 429. Sió werge sceolu (the fallen angels), Elen. Kmbl. 1523; El. 763. Se weriga gást serpens, Bd. 1, 27; S. 497, 14: malignus spiritus, 497, 19, 26. Se weria feónd hostis malignus, 3, 19; S. 549, 4. Hafaþ werges bleó, Exon. Th. 95, 31; Cri. 1565. Weriges, Andr. Kmbl. 2340; An. 1171. Lást wergan gástes (Grendel), Beo. Th. 266; B. 133. Wergan gástes the devil's, 3499; B. 1747. Ðæm wergan gáste wiþstondan, Blickl. Homl. 135, 11. Werigan, Cd. Th. 309, 17; Sat. 711. Wið ðone wergan gǽst, Exon. Th. 373, 30; Seel. 117. Weregan, Cd. Th. 306, 24; Sat. 669. Hí sculon werge wihta wræce þrowian, Exon. Th. 455, 29; Hy. 4, 57. Werige, Cd. Th. 6, 18; Gen. 90: 304, 15; Sat. 630. Wergan gǽstas, Exon. Th. 23, 4; Cri. 363. Ða werigan gástas spiritus maligni, Bd. 3, 11; S. 536, 36, 40: Cd. Th. 310, 23; Sat. 731. Manna cynn and eác werigra gásta, Blickl. Homl. 83, 12. (3) of things :-- Ðone werigan sele that accursed hall (Hell), Cd. Th. 285, 4; Sat. 332. [O. Sax. warag (applied to Judas).]

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