
Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - weorþ-full

Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:

adj. I. having worth, worthy, honourable, glorious, excellent:--Beó preóst, swá his háde gebyraþ, wís and weorðfull, L. Edg. C. 58; Th. ii. 256, 17. Búton gé ondrédon Drihtnes wurðfullan naman nisi timueris nomen ejus gloriosum, Deut. 28, 58. Wurþfulle gegedriende honesta colligentes, Anglia xiii. 368, 46. Wurðfulleste praestantissimus, dignissimus, sublimissimus, Hpt. Gl. 463, 44. Hé manna wæs wígend weorðfullost, Beo. Th. 6189; B. 3099. II. having honour with others, held in honour, honoured, esteemed, prized, dear:--Se bið on eallum þingum wurþfull (cf. weorþ mannum, 162, 1), Lchdm. iii. 158, 3. Ða hálgan weras, ðe góde weorc beeodon, hí wurðfulle wǽron on ðissere worulde, Ælfc. T. Grn. 1, 9. Ðe læs sum weorðfulra (wurð-, ) sig yn gelaðod fram hym ne honoratior te sit inuitatus ab eo, Lk. Skt. 14, 8. II a. with dat. of person to whom another seems honourable:--Daniel wunude on Chaldéa wurðfull ðám ciningum, Ælfc. T. Grn. 9, 43. His welwillende mód, and Gode swíðe wurðful, Homl. Skt. ii. 30, 20. III. having honours, worshipful, noble, illustrious, magnificent:--Án woruldcynincg . . . ne mæg beón wurðful cynincg, búton hé hæbbe ða geþincðe ðe him gebyriaþ, Homl. Skt. i. pref. , 60. Se cyng Willelm wæs swíðe wís man and swíðe ríce, and wurðfulre and strengere ðonne ǽnig his foregengra wǽre . . . Hé wæs swýðe wurðful; þriwa hé bær his cynehelm ǽlce geáre, Chr. 1086; Erl. 221, 14-27. IV. worthy, suitable, fitting:--Beón wurðful wunung ðæs Hálgan Gástes, Homl. Th. ii. 600, 17. Munecas hé gestaþolode tó weorþfulre þénunge Hǽlendes Cristes, Lchdm. iii. 440, 13. [Helyas wass an wurrþfull prophete, Orm. 5195. His wundri werkes and wurðful, Kath. 1017. 3et UNCERTAIN he is wurþful and aht man, O. and N. 1481. Of prede þe dyeul begyleþ þe riche and þe wyse and þe hardi and þe worþuolle, Ayenb. 16. 33-] weorþ-full

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