Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - wudu
Según el Diccionario de Inglés Antiguo:
(-o), widu, wiodu ;
- wudu
- gen. wuda, wudes; dat, wuda, wudu (-o), wyda ; acc. wudu, wuda ; pl. wuda, wudas ; m. I. wood, (l) the substance of growing trees :-- Hú ne mint ðú gesión ðæt ǽlc wyrt and ǽlc wudu (-a, ) (cum herbas atque arbores intuearis), wile weaxan on ðærn lande sélost, ðe him betst geríst. . . . Sumra wyrta oððe sumes wuda eard biþ on dúnum. . . . Ním swá wudu (-a, v. l. ) swá wyrt, of ðære stówe ðe his eard biþ on tó weaxanne, and sette on uncynde stówe him, ðonne ne gegréwþ hit dǽr náuht, for ðam ǽlces landes gecynd is, ðæt hit him gelíce wyrta and gelícne wudu týdrige, Bt. 34, 10 ; Fox 148, 19-29. Ðæt treów wæs on wynne, wudu weaxende, Exon. Th. 435, 19 ; Rä. 54, 3. (l a) a tree :-- Wudu mót him weaxan, tánum lǽdau, Exon. Th. 458, 21 ; Hy. 4, 104. Þeáh ðú hwilcne bóh býge wið eorðan, hé bið upweardes, swá ðú ánforlǽtest widu on willan, Met. 13, 55. Hé ðás foldan ásiów sǽda monegum wuda and wyrta (cf. treówa and wyrta, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 132, 27), 20, 75 1. Smicere on gearwum, wudum and wyrtum cymeþ wlitig scríþan on tún Maius, Menol. Fox 151 ; Men. 77. (2) (hewh) wood, the material obtained from trees :-- Dríge wudu ligna, Wrt. Voc. i. 80, 31. Ic com wyrslícre ðonne ðes wudu fúla, Exon. Th. 424, 33 ; Rä. 41, 48. Hér ys wudu (ligna) and fýr, Gen. 22, 7. - Be wuda onfenge bútan leáfe, L. In. 44; Th. i. 130, I. Wuda and wætres nyttaþ, ðonne him biþ wíc álýfed. Exon. Th. 340, 12 ; Gen. Ex. 110. .C. fóðra uuido, Cod. Dip. B. i. 344, 11. Hé hí bewæg mid wuda útan and forbernde mid fýre, Bt. 39, 4 ; Fox 216, 25. Ic on wuda stonde, Exon. Th. 496, 14; Rä. 85, 14. Hét ic, of ðæm wudo ðe ðǽr gefylled wæs, ðæt mon fýr onǽlde, Nar. 12, 28. Hé hét Isaac beran ðone wudu (ligna), Gen. 22, 6: Cd. Th. 174, 31 ; Gen. 2886: 231, 10; Dan. 245. Wé heáwaþ ðone wudu ligna succidimus, Past. 21; Swt. 167, 6. Se de ðone wuda (wudu, Cott. MSS. ) hiéwð qui ligna percutit, 167, 15. (2 a) wood which forms something, something made of wood :-- Wudu (a ship) wundenheals, Beo. Th. 601; B. 298: Exon. Th. 384, 8; Rä. 4, 24. Secgan hú se wudu (a sheathe) hátte, 437, 32; Rä. 56, 16 : (a loom), 438, 10; Rä. 57, 5. Liþendum wuda (a ship), 392, 9; Rä. ii. 5. Wudu bundenne, Bec. Th. 438; B. 216: 3842; B. 1919. Lǽtaþ hildebord hér oubídan, wudu (spears), wælsceaftas, 80i ; B. 398. Wido (part of a loom), Exon. Th. 438, 4; Rä. 57, 2. ¶ used of the cross. Cf. beám, treów :-- Ongan sprecan wudu sélesta : ' Ic wæs áheáwen holies on ende, ' Rood Kmbl. 54; Kr. 27. II. wood, forest :-- Wudu silva, Wrt. Voc. i. 33, 55. (1) in a generie or collective sense, wood, the wood, woods :-- Hé mihte hearpian flæt se wudu (-a, v. l.) wagode and ða stanas hí styredon, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 166, 32. Wudu (cf. se weald, Bt. 25 ; Fox 88, 20) eallum oncwyð, Met. 13, 50. Ne reccaþ hí ðara metta, gif hi ðæs wuda benugon, Bt. 25 ; Fox 88, 19. Wildeór wuda bestiae syhae, Ps. Spl. 103, 21. On feldum wudes in campis sylvae, 131, 6. Wæstmas wudes (cf. treówa, Bt. 15 ; Fox 48, 9) and wyrta. Met. 8, 20. Eofor of wuda aper de sylva, Ps. Spl. Th. 79, 14 : Ps. Th. 67, 27. Hí ðearfendum lífe on wuda (in silvis) and on heán clifum wunedon, Bd. l, 15 ; S. 484, 8. Gif hí on ðam wuda weorþaþ, Bt. 25; Fox 88, 16. Hé teáh to wuda, 35, 6; Fox 168, 7: Met. 19, 5, 18: Coll. Monast. Th. 26, 3. Stów mid wuda (silvis) ymbseald. Bd. 4, 13; S. 582, 22. Ða myneteras ðe inne wuda wyrcaþ, L. Eth. iii. 16 ; Th. i. 298, 13. On wudu in sylva. Ps. Th. 73, 5 : saltu. Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 35. Great beám on wyda (wuda, v. l. ), Bt. 38, 2 ; Fox 198, 9. Nóht elles búton ða wéstan feldas and wudu and dúna. Nar. 20, 10. Fæsten Créca, wudu Egipta, Salm. Kmbl. 387 ; 831. 193: Exon. Th. 381, 9 ; Rä. 2, 8: Ps. Th. 82, 10. Fýr ðe bærnð wuda (sylvam), Ps. Spl. 82, 13. (a) a wood :-- Hé hét lǽdan hí on ðone wudn ; se wæs genemned silua nigra, se swearta wudu. Shrn. 89, 10: Exon. Th. 200, 8 ; Ph. 37 : Beo. Th. 2732 ; B. 1364. Be wuda bærnette. Gif mon óðres wudu bærneþ oþþe heáweþ, L. In. 12 ; Th. i. 70, 3. Of ðæs wuda midle, Exon. Th. 202, 6; Ph. 65. Anlanges wudes, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 173, 33. Dis is ðæs wudes gemǽre. . . tó ðæs wudes efese, 389, 22, 27. Wudæs, vi. 33, 31. Bútan ðem wioda, ii. 66, 23 : Cod. Dip. B. ii. 202, 9. Wiada, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 64, 29. Wuda, iii. 390, 4. Ðonne mon beam on wuda forbærne. . . . Gif mon áfelle on wuda wel monega treówa, L. In. 43 ; Th. i. 128, 17, 20. Hé rǽsde intó ðam wudu, Homl. Skt. ii. 30, 31. Of ðam wudu, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 390, 1. Wæs hé eall mid wudu (silva) beweaxen, Nar. 12, 8. Of ðæm wudo, 21, 19. Hét ic ceorfan ða bearwas and ðone wudu fyllan jwbeo cedi nemus, 12, 19. On þicnewudu, Bt. 35, 5 ; Fox 164, 13. Gif feorcund man bútan wege geond wudu gouge, L. In. 20; Th. i. 116, 1: Byrht. Th. 137, 29 ; By. 193: Beo. Th. 2836 ; B. 1416. Ðurh ðane wioda, Cod. Dip. B. ii. 202, 10. On ðone wuda ; ofer ðone wuda, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. v. 317, 29. Hé hearpode ðæt ða wudas bifodon, and ða eá stódon silvas currere mobiles, amnes stare coëgerat, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 168, 8. Ealra wuda wildeór omnes ferae silvarum, Ps. Th. Spl. Surt. 49, 11. Ealle treówa wuda omnia ligna sylvarum, Ps. Spl. Surt. 95, 12. On wudum in sylvis, Coll. Monast. Th. 22, 23. Betwyx ðám twám wudan, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. vi. 218, 25. Geond wudas and feldas, Homl. Th. ii. 188, 14. Wuda silvas, Ps. Surt. 82, 15. ¶ in several instances of compounds with wudu it may be rendered by wild; e. g. wudu-bucca, -cerfille, -hunig, -rose. [O. H. Ger. witu lignum: Icel. viðr wood; a tree; a wood.] v. ác-, bǽl-, bóc-, bord-, brémber-, brim-, camp-, flód-, furh-, gamen-, gár-, heal-, holm-, holt-, mægen-, sǽ-, sund-, þræc-wudu. The word occurs in many local names, v. Cod. Dip. Kmbl. vi. Index. wudu