Diccionario Anglo-Sajón de Inglés Antiguo de Bosworth & Toller - yfelian
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- yfelian
- p. ode. I. to do evil to, to maltreat, afflict, injure, wrong :-- Ða þingeras þingiaþ ðǽm ðe læssan þearfe áhton, þingiaþ ðǽm ðe man yflaþ, and ne þingiaþ ðám ðe ðæt yfel dóþ; ðæm wǽre máre þearf, ðe ða óþre unscyldige yfelaþ (yflaþ, ), ðæt him mon þingode tó ðǽm rícum pro his, qui grave quid, acerbumque perpessi sunt, miserationem judicum excitare conantur oratores, cum magis admittentibus justior miseratio debeatur, Bt. 38, 7; Fox 208, 25-29. E hine yflaþ, Salm. Kmbl. 193; Sal. 96. Íne gelícre geswencednysse ða mǽgþe yfelade Ini simili provinciam illam adflictione mancipavit, Bd. 4, 15; S. 583, 31. Hé bebeád ðæt mon nǽnne mon ne slóge, and eác ðæt man nánuht ne wanode ne ne yfelade ðæs ðe on ðǽm ciricum wǽre dato praecepto, ut si qui in sancta loca confugissent, hos inviolatos securosque esse sinerent, Ors. 6, 38; Swt. 296, 32. Se ilca Dauid forbær ðæt hé ðone kyning ne yfelode, ðe hine of his earde ádrǽfde David ferire deprehensum persecutorem noluit, Past. 3; Swt. 37, 3. Ic wolde helpan ðæs ðe ðǽr unscyldig wǽre, and hénan ðone ðe hine yfelode (yflode, v. l.), Bt. 38, 6; Fox 208, 18. Hí yfeledon and slógan Cristene men affligi interficique Christianos praeceperant, Bd. 1, 6; S. 476, 21. Yfeladan, Ps. Th. 82, 3. Hit is riht ðæt mon yfelige ða yfelan, and hit is wóh, ðæt hí mon lǽte unwítnode, Bt. 38, 3; Fox 202, 5. Gif hwá cyrican geséce, and hine man ðǽr yflige, L. Edm. S. 2; Th. i. 248, 17. Hí ðara nánne yflian noldan ðe tó ðæm Godes húse óðflugon, Ors. 2, 8; Swt. 94, 8: Nar. 25, 27. Ða ðe willaþ Godes cyricean yfelian and strúdan, Blickl. Homl. 75, 24. II. to get bad, (1) of persons :-- Hié beóð swíðe ungesǽlige, ðonne hié yfeliaþ (yfliaþ, v. l.) for ðæm ðe óðre menn gódigaþ quantae infelicitatis sint, qui melioratione proximi deteriores fiunt, Past. 34; Swt. 231, 18. (2) of things or circumstances :-- Aa æfter ðam hit yfelode swíðe things got very bad, Chr. 975; Erl. 127, 33. Á syððan hit yflade swíðe, wurðe gód se ende, ðonne God wylle, 1066; Erl. 202, 41. Gif blóddolg yflige . . . oððe gif ðú ne mæge blóddolg áwríþan, Lchdm. ii. 16, 4: 148, 8. Nýde hit sceal on worulde for folces synnan yfelian swýðe, Wulfst. 81, 8: 156, 7. [Wæstmes ne synd swá góde swá heó iu wǽron, ac yfeleð swýðe eall eorðe wæstme, Shrn. 17, 21. Ne scal us na mon uuelien, O. E. Homl. i. 15, 13.] v. ge-yflian. yfelian