Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - á-hebban
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- á-hebban
- Add: A. as a strong verb. I. literal, (1) to raise from a lower to a higher position:-- Heora nǽnig þá bǽre ne áhóf. Bl. H. 153. 3. Þá áhóf Drihten hié up, 157, 21. Áhóf Paulus up his heáfod, 187, 35. Hét Benedictus eft áhebban þæt elefæt (pick up the vessel), Hml, Th. ii. 178, 31. (2) to place above:--Wæs se Hálga Gást áhafen ofer þá leorneras. Bl. H. 135, 3. Ðá niétenu UNCERTAIN beóð hwæthwugununges from eorðan áhafen (-hæfen, Hatt. MS. ), Past. 154, 16. (3) to lift, carry. remove:--Hwá áhefeþ hí heonon quis eos hine levat?, Gr. D. 208, 24. Nis nánum UNCERTAIN men cúð hwider hyre líchama áhafen sý, Hml. Th. i. 440, 20. Wæs of róde áhafen rodera Wealdend, El. 482. (4) to raise, erect, build:--Se cásere hét áhebban ǽnne wáh, Hml. S. 35, 335. II. figurative, (1) implying attempt, attack:--Gif se mon áhefþ his handa tó ælmesdǽdum, Bl. H. 37, 24. Syððan hé wǽpen áhóf wið hetendum, El. 17. Up áhef (ahefe. Ps. Srt. Spl.) þíne handa leva manus tuas, Ps. L. 73, 3. (2) of hostile action or feeling:--Hí gewinn up áhófon, Chr. 1094; P. 230, 3. Hié wið Godes bearne níð áhófon, El. 838. Ongan winn up áhebban wið heofnes wealdend raised war against heaven's ruler, Gen. 259. (3) to remove:--Hé ðám menn undeádlicnysse onweg áhóf immortalitatem homini abstulit, Bd. 1, 27; S. 493, 7. (4) to bear, support:--Se maga and se unmaga ne magon ná gelíce byrðene áhebban, Ll. Th. i. 328, 17. Þá þe þá yldo nabbað ꝥ hig ꝥ fæsten áhebban magon, ii. 436, 10. (5) to uphold:--Hé bið up áhafen sublevabitur, Kent. Gl. 1069. (6) to give rise to, cause, raise a laugh:--Ýdelu UNCERTAIN word þá þe unnytte hleahtor up áhebben, Ll. Th. ii. 416, 35. (7) to raise to a higher position, to elevate:--Tó ðý þæt hé wǽre on mǽrlicum cynesetle áhafen, Hml. Th. i. 82, 24. Hé wæs tó his cinestóle áhofen, Chr. 795; P. 57, 19. Hé wæs tó þám swýðe up áhafen swylce hé weólde þæs cynges and ealles Englalandes, 1052; P. 176, 22. Hwí sind gé áhafene ofer Drihtenes folc cur elevamini super populum Domini?, Num. 16, 3. (8) to give higher worth or value to, to exalt:--Up áhef hig extolle eos, Ps. L. fol. 195 b, 23. Ǽlc man sceal his gódan dǽda áhebban, gif hé sceal gód and medeme weorþan, Bl. H. 129, 35. (9) expressing pride, elation, to exalt (in a bad sense), puff up:--Wálá wá ꝥ ǽnig man sceolde módigan swá, hine sylf upp áhebban and ofer ealle men tellan, Chr. 1086; P. 221, 20. Ne wæs hé on oferhygd áhafen, Bl. H. 215, 32. Up áhafen arrogans, Kent. Gl. 796. Áhofyn, Ps. Spl. C. 130, 1. (10) referring to sound, to lift the voice, raise a song:--Hí song áhebbað, Ph. 540. Þá áhóf Petrus his stefne and wæs cweþende, Bl. H. 145, 16. Þá reordade ríce þeóden, wǽrfæst cyning word áhóf, An. 416. ludéa cynn wið Godes bearne áhóf hearmcwide, 560. We on bence beót áhófon, By. 213. Wearð hreám áhafen, 106. B. as a weak verb. in Dict., and cf. á-hefednes:--Heó hire heáfod of ðǽre mýsan áhefde, Hml. Th. ii. 184, 4. Þá áhefde Moyses his handa on gebedum, Hml. S. 13, 14, 19. Mid þám mægenþrymme sý áhefed heofon and eorþe, Sch. 89. [Goth. us-hafjan: O. Sax. á-hebbian: O. H. Ger. ar-heffen elevare, exaltare.] a-hebban