
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - á-ræran

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. of direction, to raise, lift up:--Martinus hine upheáh árǽrde, Bl. H. 219, 20. Ne ðú up ne árér ne erigas (oculos tuos), Kent. Gl. 863. Seó ród bið árǽred on ðæt gewrixle þára tungla, Bl. H. 91, 23. Árǽredne porrectam (turrem), Wrt. Voc. ii. 85, 49. II. to raise a building , erect, build:--Hé árǽrð ceastre castra erigit, Past. 162, 12. Árǽrdon construxere, i. aedificauerunt, An. Ox. 3420. Sé þe þára mihta hæbbe árǽre cirican Gode tó lofe, Ll. Th. ii. 282, 5. Wurdon fela cyrcan árǽrede, Hml. Th. i. 562, 25. III. to establish, set up:---Hí ǽlc gód árǽrdon, Hml. S. 21, 462. þæt man unriht álecge and Godes riht árǽre, 16, 67. IV. to raise, cause to grow:--Þæt hé sylle . XV. swýn tó sticunge, hæbbe sylf ꝥ hé ofer ꝥ árǽre, Ll. Th. i. 436, 14. V. to raise from torpor, death, &c., to arouse:--Árǽrest suscitabis, An. Ox. 2137. Hé árérð refrigerabit, Kent. Gl. 1062. Hé árǽrde suscitavit, i. excitavit, An. Ox. 1843 : 3502. Min Drihten árǽre ðé (the dead widow), Hml. Th. i. 60, 17. Arǽran suscitare, i. restaurare, An. Ox. 2110. VI. to excite, disturb, break up a meeting:--Gif hé folcgemót mid wǽpnes brýde árǽre, Ll. Th. i. 86, 16. VII. to raise, increase price:--Gif wé gyld árǽrdon . . . swá man ꝥ weorð up árǽran mihte . . . Gif we ꝥ ceápgild árǽrað, Ll. Th. i. 234, 5, 10, 16. Gif se hláford him wile ꝥ land árǽran tó weorce and tó gafole if the lord want to raise the rent of the land for him by exacting work as well as payment, 146, 4. VIII to extol:--Up áhefde, árǽrde extollit, An. Ox. 2425. Tó árǽrenne attollenda, i. extollenda, 330. [Goth, ur-raisjan.] a-ræran