
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - á-spanan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add :-- Be þám men þe wífman fram his hláforde áspaneð (allicit) for unrihtum hǽmede, Ll. Th. ii. 180, 24. Sicilie healfe áspónan (-speónnon, ) Læcedemonie him on fultum, and healfe Athenienses Catanenses ab Atheniensibus auxilia poposcunt, at Syracusani auxilium a Lacedaemoniis petunt, Ors. 2, 7; S. 90, 7. Here þára wícinga þe hie him tó fultume áspanen hæfdon. Chr. 921 ; P. 102, 19. Wæs hé ásponen (-sponnen, -spannen, v. ll.) of Kent fram Willferðe invitatus de Cantia a Wilfrido, Bd. 4, 2; Sch. 346, 1. ¶ without object :-- Hé út gewende and him þá tó áspeón þet hé heafde .xx. scipa, Chr. 1009; P. 138, 18. a-spanan

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