
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ælfred

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Alfriþ, Aldfriþ, Ealdfriþ, es;

m. [æl all; aid, eald old: fred = friþ peace; Alfred the wise, king of Northumbria for twenty years, A.D. 685-705. He was educated in Ireland for the Church, and was the first literary king of the Anglo-Saxons; Lat. Ælfrédus, Alfrid, Alfrídus, Bd. 4, 26; S. 175, 4: Aldfrídus, Bd. 5, 2; S. 183, 6: Aldfrithus, Chr. 685; Gib. 45, 24 :-- Féng Ælfred [MS. Ealdfriþ] æfter Ecgfriþe to ríce, se mon wæs se gelǽredesta on gewrítum, se wæs sæd ðæt his bróðor wǽre Oswies sunu ðæs cyninges Ecgfrith was succeeded in the kingdom by Alfred, who was said to be his brother, and a son of king Oswy, and was a man most learned in scripture; successit Ecgfrido in regnum Alfrid, vir in scripturis doctissimus, qui frater ejus et filius Osuiu regis esse dicebatur, Bd. 4, 26; S. 603, 6-8. A. D. 685, Hér man ofslóh Ecgferþ, and Ælfred [MS. Aldfriþ Aldfrithus] his bróðor féng æfter him to ríce here, A.D. 685, they slew Ecgferth, and Alfred his brother succeeded [took] to the kingdom after him, Chr. 685; Erl. 41, 29. On Ælfredes [MS. Aldfriþes Aldfrithi] tídum ðæs cyninges in temporibus Aldfridi regis, Bd. 5, 1; S. 614, 20. Hér Ælfred [MS. Aldfriþ] Norþanhymbra cining forþférde here, A.D. 705, Alfred, king of the Northumbrians, died, Chr. 705; Erl. 43, 32. ælfred

Mots connexes: Ælfréd]
