
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - án-feald

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add :-- Ánfeald simplex, Wrt. Voc. ii. 74, 50. Ánfald simpla, 120, 55. I. as numeral, single, sole :-- Anfealdre simplo (volumine), An. Ox. 2376. Tó ánfealdan gewinne ad singularem pugnam, R. Ben. l. 10, 2. Náht elles búton his ánfealdne gegyrelan, Bl. H. 215, 3. On eallum þisum men sécaþ ánfealde eádignesse (solam bealitudinem), Bt. 24, 3; F. 84, 10. Gif mon næbbe búton ánfeald hrægl, Ll. Th. i. 52, 24. II. simple, not resolvable into components : -- -Ánfeald and untódǽlendlic, þeáh hine dysige men on mænig tódǽlen, Bt. 33, 1; S. 74, 30: 76, 9: 33, 2; S. 76, 12. III. simple, unmixed :-- Þeáh hit us manigfealdlic ðince, sum god, sum yfel, hit is þeáh him ánfeald gód, Bt. 39, 6; F. 220, 8. Hit hwílum gewurþ ꝥ þǽm gódum becymþ ánfeald yfel, and þám yflum ánfeald gód, and óþre hwíle ǽgþer gemenged, 39, 9; F. 224, 29. Tó tácnunge án-fealdes sáres, 7, 2; F. 18, 21. IV. simple, without addition or amplification, no more than :-- Se Ióannes wæs ácenned swá swá óðre menn beóð and wæs ánfeald man, mǽre and geðungen (he was simply a great and illustrious man), Hml. Th. ii. 36, 29. þonne wé sceolan habban ánfeald leán þæs þe wé on lífe ǽr geworhtan, Ll. Th. i. 370, 21: Wlfst. 209, 13: 208, 33. Fela árison mid Críste ðe wǽron ánfealde men, ðeáh ðe Críst God sý, Hml. Th. i. 226, 5. V. simple, plain, (1) of persons :-- Da bilwitan ánfealdan simplices, Past. 237, 14. Mid ðǽm bilwitum and mid ðǽm ánfealdum cum simplicibus, 243, 17. Críst geceas hyrdas and yrðlingas and ánfealde fisceras. Hml. S. 5, 225. (2) of things :-- Þonne þincþ þám ungelǽredum ꝥ eall ꝥ andgit beó belocen on þǽre ánfealdan gerecednisse, Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 2, 32. VI. simple, uniform, fixed, invariable :-- ꝥ is openlíce cúþ ꝥ sió godcunde foreteohhung is ánfeald and unawendendlic illud certe manifestum est, immobilem simplicemque gerendarum formam rerum esse providentiam, Bt. 39, 6; F. 220, 16: 39, 4; F. 216, 30. Æt þǽm stillan and æt þǽm gestæþþigan and æt þǽm ánfealdan Gode ex divinae mentis stabilitate, 39, 5; F. 218, 15: 39, 6; F. 220, 25. an-feald