Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - bbeóst
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- n. I. the breast of man or beast; pectus :-- Ðæt míne breóst wereþ that defends my breast, Beo. Th. 911; B. 453. On breóstum læg lay on my breast, 1109; B. 552. He beót his breóst percutiebat pectus suum, Lk. Bos. 18, 13. Blíð on breóstum mild in the breast [stomach], Cd. 30; Th. 41, 13; Gen. 656. Ðú gǽst on ðínum breóste super pectus tuum gradieris, Gen. 3, 14. II. the breasts; ubera :-- Ða breóst ðe ðú suce ubera quæ suxisti, Lk. Bos. 11, 27. Ða breóst ðe ne sícton ubera quæ non lactaverunt, 23, 29. Ðǽr wearþ Alexander þurhscoten mid ánre flán UNCERTAIN underneoðan oðer breóst there Alexander was shot through with an arrow underneath one breast, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 68, 27. III. the breast as the seat of the vital powers, of the feelings, and of the affections, The heart, mind, thought; pectus, cor, mens :-- Drihtnes wæs barn on breóstum byrnende lufu in both their breasts there was the burning love of the Lord, Cd. 10; Th. 12, 25; Gen. 191. Hwæðre he in breóstum ða git hérede -- in heortan -- heofonríces weard nevertheless he still in his breast -- in his heart -- honoured the guardian of heaven's kingdom, Andr. Kmbl. 102; An. 51. Mæg ðín mód wesan blíðe on breóstum thy mind may be blithe in thy breast. Cd. 35; Th. 46, 28; Gen. 751. Beoran on breóstum blíðe geþohtas to bear in our breasts blithe thoughts, 217; Th. 277, 17; Sat. 206. Adame innan breóstum his hyge hwyrfde Adam within his breasthis mind, 33; Th. 44, 27; Gen. 715. Ðú úra breósta ána aspyrigend eart tu nostrorum pectorum solus investigator es, Hymn. Surt. 33, 21. Déma ðú ætbist smégan dǽda breóstes judex aderis rimari facta pectoris, 36, 20. Gefyll mid heofonlícre gyfe ðe ðú gesceópe breóst imple superna gratia quæ tu creasti pectora, 92, 9. [IChauc. Wyc. brest: R. Glouc. breste: Laym. breoste: Orm. brest: Plat. borst, bost, f: O. Sax. briost, breost, n: Frs. boarst, m. f: O. Frs. brust: Dut. Kil. borst, f: Ger. M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. brust. f: Goth. brusts, f: Dan. bryst, n: Swed. brouml;st, n; Icel. brjóst, n.] DER. byled-breóst, fóre-. bbeost