
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - be-healdan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. to hold, occupy, (a) a place:--Þá wíc beheóld hálig gást, hreðer weardode, El. 1144. Seó þe flóda begong beheóld hund missera, B. 1498. (b) an office:--Þegn nytte beheóld, B. 494. Seleweard sundornytte beheóld ymb aldor Dena, 667. II. to hold, contain:--Bihaldne contentus, Mt. P. 10, 15. (a) to have efficacy:--Ne beheóld hit nán þing seó scipfyrding búton folces geswinc there was nothing in all this preparation but labour for the people, Chr. 999; P. 133, 10. Cweþað þá ðe syndan stunte þæt mycel forhæfednes lytel behealde that there is very little in great abstinence, Wlfst. 55, 24. (b) to have meaning, signify:--Wit gesáwon swefen, ac wyt nyton hwá hyt unc átelle, hwæt hit behealde what its meaning is. Gen. 40, 8. III. to hold, keep a law:--Godes beboda utan wé behealdan, Bl. H. 39, 4. IV. to hold, keep, maintain:--Hí mé onhwyrfdon of þǽre gecynde þe ic ǽr cwic beheóld, Rä. 72, 4. Þá woruldsǽlþa beheóldon on þé heora ágen gecynd fortuna servavit circa te propriam constantiam, Bt. 7, 2; F. 16, 31. V. to keep, guard, preserve:--Hé hine nó ne beheóld wið ðá gǽstlican scylde sese a spiritalibus vitiis minime custodit, Past. 315, 1. Engel þá menigeo beheóld, Exod. 205. Ðá ðe hiá seolfa hygdiglige beheóldon qui seipsos castraverunt, Mt. L. 19, 12. Beheald þé on þínum lífe ꝥ þú dó wel þínum bearnum, Nar. 50, 24. Behealdað eów wið leásum wítegum adtendite a falsis prophetis, Hml. Th. ii. 404, 3: Bl. H. 241, 9: Past. 317, 9: 449, 36. Ðæt hí hí behealden ðæt hí innan ne áfeallen, Past. 439, 9. Ðá ðe heá búta éghwoelcum flita behaldan, Mt. L. 5, 9 note. Hié for duste ne mehton geseón hú hí hí behealdan sceolden, Ors. 5, 7; S. 230, 16. Hit ǽr hit nolde behaldan wið unnyt word otiosa covere verba negligit, Past. 279, 4. On sibbe behealden, Ps. Th. 75, 2. VI. to take care, beware:--Beheald þæt ðú ðás dǽde ne dó, Hml. Th. i. 38, 25: Lch. i. 332, 6: ii. 318, 19. Behealdað ðæt Adam ne ete of ðám treówe, Hex. 26, 15. Behaldas attendite, Mt. L. 6, I. Tó behaldenne cavendum, 16, 12. Tó behal-danne evitandum, Lk. p. 7, 15. VII. to behold, (I) intrans. To look:--Gif se yrðlincg behylt underbæc, Hml. S. 16, 178. Beheald æfter þé, Bl. H. 245, 6. Beheald on mé, 229, 30. Hé hét his cnapan behealdan tó þǽre sǽ, Lch. iii. . 276, 24. Behealden(d)ra prospicientium, Kent. Gl. 1030. (2) trans, (a) to look at, gaze on:--Ic þé beheóld, Bl. H. 235, 26. Hí beheóldon Moises aspiciebant tergum Moysi, Ex. 33, 8: Kr. 64. (b) to watch, observe:--Hiǽ biheóldun (-heáld-. L.) hine obseruabant eum. Mk. R. 3, 2. Ne behealdon gé heofenan ne sunnan, Deut. 4, 19. Mid ðí heó behealdende wæs (intueretur) mid hwylcum þingum hé upp togen wǽre, Bd. 4, 9; Sch. 394, 6. (c) to see:--Folc óðer wundor beheóld líge scínan, Exod. 109. Behealdan videre, Wülck. Gl. 255, 31. (d) of the mind, to regard, consider, observe, (a) with acc.:-- Gif þú míne unrihtwísnesse behealdest, Bl. H. 89, 16. Beheald mé holdlíce and gehýr mé intende in me et exaudi me, Ps. Th. 54, l. (β) with clause:--Ǽlc gleáw mód behealt hwelcne ende hí habbaþ, Bt. 7, 2; F. 18, 23. Heó beheóld hú þæt þing gewurde considerante even-tum rei, Ex. 2, 4. Beheald hú þás men þínum ðeówe dóþ, Bl. H. 229, 22: Bt. 36, 5; F. 180, 5. Behealdan gé hwæþer gé hit hire gecýþan willen, H. R. 9, 7. [O. Sax, bi-haldan: O. Frs. bi-halda: O. H. Ger. pi-haltan.]

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