Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - be-rídan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- be-rídan
- Substitute: I. to surround, invest :-- Hé hine þǽr berád, Chr. 755 ; P. 46, 29. Gif hé mægnes hæbbe, þæt hé his gefán beríde and inne besitte si vim habeat, ut hostem suum circumveniat et obsideat, Ll. Th. i. 90, 4. [Bruttes þa burȝen gunnen biriden, Laym. 10739.] II. to seize, arrest :-- þá berád mon þæt wíf the woman was arrested, Chr. 901 ; P. 92, 12. Ic beóde þat þú on mínre stede beríde þás lond þám hǽlge tó hande, Cht. Th. 369, 21. Harold king lét berídan Sand-wíc of Xpes cyrcean him sylfan to handa and hæfde hit twelf mónað, 338, 30- be-ridan